Chapter 15: Potter Luck

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Weeks were spent studying, doing homework, earning House points, training for Quidditch, and actively avoiding Dumbledore. It was surreal how time passed by so quickly, but Ashley chose to look on the brighter side of things. Soon enough, she would be with her soul-bonded. No matter how much she thought of that, the excitement of the idea never faltered. She looked forward to the inevitable moment of reuniting with Sirius and Remus every day but that didn't exactly mean that was all she focused on. There was the fact that the special day of Halloween had arrived and it was time for a big event to play off. However, that event was scheduled for the evening. Ashley had yet to pass through the classes of the day. In fact, she was only experiencing the first subject.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly." Professor Flitwick announced.

"Do you all have your feathers?"

To answer Flitwick's question, the students either nodded or raised their feathers.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick, everyone."

"The swish and flick." The whole class repeated alongside the Charms professor.

"Good, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa, off you go then."

"Wingardium Leviosa."

Ashley flicked her wand confidently, following the given instructions perfectly. The feather she charmed rose elegantly from the table's surface and high into the air, immediately gaining Flitwick's attention.

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Potter's done it!" Flitwick cheered, causing stares to be directed to the lone feather floating.

"How splendid, Ms. Potter. I believe you've earned your House five points."

Ashley beamed thankfully and lowered the feather back to the table. Moko hissed out his own congratulatory comment to which she silently thanked him for. She surveyed the class, searching for the students who needed her help. Ai and Dominic were working together with Maia a few seats away. Next to Neville, the side Ashley wasn't occupying, Cora and Heaven were close to getting it right. Their wording was fine; it was their movements that were a little too sharp. Ashley figured they'd succeed on their own eventually. She, instead, worked to prevent Seamus' explosion, which she did. By the end of the class, more than half of the students performed the levitation charm. This portion included Ashley's group of friends, much to her pride and joy.

The group met up with the Slytherins (Alyssa and Thalia) and Hufflepuffs (Mitchelle and Alexandra) at the far end of the corridor right outside the Charms classroom. They waited for their missing member, Ai, who had gone back to grab the book she forgot. They didn't expect her to run past them, sniffling with tears rapidly streaking down her cheeks.

"Ai? Ai, wait up!" Dominic called out, rushing after her alongside Heaven.

"What happened to her?" Neville asked, concerned.

"You mean who. I spy with my little eye, a group of smirking cockroaches." Maia gestured along the corridor.

Standing several feet away were Malfoy and his goons, including Blaise and Pansy. And Maia was right, they were all smirking. Well, most of them still were. Crabbe and Goyle had taken to shrinking back the moment they caught sight of Ashley and Alyssa's deathly glares. Apparently, the fear the girls induced wasn't enough to always keep them in check. What a pity...

I guess they've earned themselves the spots for Fred and George's regular targets.

"Oh, them... Honestly, their prejudice against Muggle-borns and half-bloods is so childish." Thalia scowled.

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