Chapter 23: Screw the Prophecy

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"Looks like it'll be a short game; Potter has already spotted the Snitch!"

Ashley gripped her broom and leaned forward, zooming past Cedric, her temporary rival, given that he was the current Hufflepuff Seeker. Her eyes focused on the tiny golden ball, blurring everything else in her line of sight. She dodged an incoming Bludger and continued to chase after the Snitch. Noticing that Cedric was gaining after her, she sped up and reached out an open hand. In the corner of her eyes, she saw yet another Bludger heading her way, one which Fred happily intercepted. What frustrated her though was the Snitch suddenly deciding to plummet to the ground. Still, she followed closely with her hand still outstretched.

I can do it, come on! Just a little closer...

She was in a dangerous position; land was getting nearer by the second. She heard nothing but the wind in her ears, reminding her of her fall during the first match. It felt like the crowds had stopped cheering, all waiting for her with bated breath. Straining her arm, her fingers curled around the Snitch just in time to have her pull her broom up just a few feet away from crashing. Tremendously relieved, she sighed and raised the ball high above her head. She hadn't done much but she was tired. She wanted nothing more than to get her feet back on the ground.

"And she's got the Snitch, without crashing this time! One hundred and fifty points to Gryffindor!"

Snape blew the whistle and announced Gryffindor as the winner. Unlike what had originally happened, the Potions professor had been unbiased regarding his refereeing. He had been tolerating the Gryffindors much more now that he had a soft spot (no matter how much he denied it) for the Potter Heiress. As the aforementioned girl landed on the field, she was ambushed by her fellow players who congratulated and praised her Seeking skills.

"Good game, Ashley! Congratulations." Cedric commended, squeezing through the forming barricade of people.

"Thanks, Cedric." Ashley smiled.

Her smile slowly became pinched. The students enclosing her were suffocating. She didn't like being surrounded so completely. Thankfully, the twins took note of her discomfort and lifted her up on their shoulders just as they did her first game. Breathing was much easier then. They were proving to be her saviors time and time again. Feeling her magic spike, she snapped her gaze towards the stands where her both Sirius and Remus stood. She waved enthusiastically and beamed when they reciprocated. She was eventually placed back on her feet when the crowds dissipated, most heading to the Gryffindor common room to celebrate. She ran and met her soul-bonded halfway across the field as they descended from the stands.

"We won!" She exclaimed, leaping straight into their open arms.

"You were amazing, darling." Remus complimented, placing a peck on her cheek.

"Nearly had a heart attack seeing you plummet to the ground, it's a good thing you didn't fall like last time." Sirius teased.

"Hey, that was an accident." Ashley laughed.

She quieted down; relishing the warmth Sirius and Remus' embrace provided her. Spending weeks without them was terrible; she had gotten so used to their presence. She pulled away as she felt something slither around her neck. It was Moko, figured he would have found his way to the two men. Sirius was fantastic with animals of all kinds, even with those he used to have prejudice against. Moko hissed ecstatically, applauding (metaphorically, of course) Gryffindor's win.

"We're so, so proud of you, Bambi." Remus cooed.

"And I'm sure Lily and James are too." Sirius stated softly.

Ashley hoped so, she truly did. She never wanted to be the pathetic disappointment her uncle claimed her to be, especially not to those she cared for more than anything in the world. With these thoughts filling her head, she smiled and hugged her soul-bonded one last time before she heard her name be called out. She glanced at the source and saw Hagrid gesturing them over. Sirius and Remus stood from where they were kneeling and guided her over to him. The half-giant invited them to his hut and they willingly went with. The two Marauders had nothing better to do and they wanted to spend time with their Bambi, and she felt the same way. Also, a raging party was bound to be taking place in the common room and she would rather not.

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