Chapter 4: Sweet Escape

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Ashley stayed rooted in her spot as Hagrid picked the door up from where it fell to the ground while casually apologizing. Once it was fixed, he turned back around and grinned once he caught sight of the raven-haired girl he hadn't seen in ten years. Vernon just had to ruin the lovely moment in the way he ruined everything else for the aforementioned girl.

"I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!" He yelled, aiming his gun at the unamused half-giant.

"Dry up, Dursley, you great prune." Hagrid said.

Petunia cowered behind her shaking husband as Hagrid approached them. She gasped in fear as Vernon's gun, their only line of defense although quite feeble, was then bent upwards with little to no effort and a casually added insult. His finger on the trigger twitched, causing the gun to shoot, sequentially leaving a gaping hole in the roof. Moko hissed approvingly as the married couple simultaneously shrieked in fear. Hagrid, looking immensely pleased with his handiwork, walked away from the terrified couple and towards where Ashley now stood.

"Look at you! I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Elizabeth!" Hagrid expressed fondly, "You're looking more and more like your mother and-is that a snake?"

He seemed curious for the most part, albeit a little cautious. Of course he was, he was Hagrid! Standing to her feet, Ashley nodded her head enthusiastically and gently unwrapped Moko from around her neck. She rested him on her open palms and held him out for Hagrid to see, ignoring the embarrassing squawk that escaped her cousin. Moko coiled in her hands, raising his head to scent Hagrid's hand when he reached out to pet him. She giggled at the soft look that overtook the large man's face, knowing that he had a soft spot for all kinds of animals, especially the more dangerous ones.

"His name's Moko. He's sweet, isn't he?" She cooed as the snake slithered up her arm to resume his position around her neck.

"Looks like you got yourself a familiar." Hagrid commented, recognizing the close bond the two had.

"A familiar...? What's that?" Ashley asked innocently, furrowing her eyebrows.

She wasn't stupid; she knew what familiars were, and how important they were to witches and wizards alike. They were guardian animals of sorts, platonic life companions in a way. She knew enough about that particular subject but she had to act clueless. Not completely, but just enough to keep people, namely Dumbledore, from becoming suspicious. She was originally supposed to be as dumb as a rock when it came to the Wizarding World and although she didn't want to be, she had to act the part. However, that didn't mean that she couldn't change a few things. She was going to have fun with all her new memories.

She nodded along understandingly to Hagrid's short explanation of what a familiar was. While he talked, Moko made sure to keep the Dursleys in check, to ensure that they didn't interrupt the conversation by glaring heatedly at them. The serpent went a step further and bared his fangs at them whenever they tried to move closer. He wondered sadistically how better it would have been if he was his normal size. There would definitely be more fear, but maybe in his smaller size, he could bite on of them without Ashley noticing. Fortunately for them (unfortunately for him), she sensed his scheme and placed a hand on his body near his tail to keep him from moving. Well, it was worth a try.

"Huh... That explains why he wanted to follow me here. Thank you for telling me." Ashley said gratefully.

"You're very welcome, Elizabeth." Hagrid beamed.

"Oh um... I don't want to be rude but, if you don't mind, I actually prefer to be called Ashley..." Ashley looked down sheepishly.

"Oh, well, of course I don't mind! I'll be sure to remember that next time I get you something." Hagrid reached behind him and pulled out a box, "Here we go... 'Fraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same. Ah, baked it myself, words and all."

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