Chibi sasuke

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Sakura has been chasing after sasuke for like forever.
She wants him to reciprocate her feeling.
Then she had an idea as she was watching harry potter, that she can make a love potion. Well pretty cliche. But she smirked.
If she managed to try making one, and give it to sasuke, maybe he can finally love her.
She did make the love potion.
"Are you sure about that, sakura" ino asked.
"Yeah...i am brilliant" sakura said while smirking.
"Sakura, i am not sure about that..." ino retorted
"Shut up, pig," sakura growled.
"Now whats next?" Ino asked as she saw the pink haired girl smirking as she filled a cup with the potion.
"Lets go to sasuke and naruto" she smirked.

"Sasuke, naruto" sakura greeted as they were both sitting chatting, and naruto as always ravishing a bowl of ramen.
"Eh sakura chan" Naruto greeted.
Sasuke scoffed. He doesn't need his fan girls now.
"Sasuke kun, i brought you a tomato juice, want to try?" She asked.
Sasuke looked puzzled, but he had to accept the offer, because naruto has been telling him all day long to try and give sakura a chance. Maybe he can reciprocate her love.
Naruto pinched sasuke.
"Okay.." sasuke nodded.
Sakura and ino smirked as they both watched sasuke taking a sip from the juice.
Sasuke tasted the juice, its horrible he felt like throwing up.
But only one sip can do the purpose.
Sasuke gave a broken smile, he thanked sakura for the juice.
Then his stomach started to growl, sasuke felt like he was gonna vomit, he excused himself.
As he was walking he tripped to a table and fell.
Naruto, ino sakura watched and ran as sasuke fell, but something unexpected happened, as they approached.
Sasuke vanished, his clothes are on the ground, but there was a bump, inside
They all looked to each other puzzled, ino gave sakura a scolding look
"Where is sasuke..." naruto stuttered.
"I..i.." sakura stuttered as tears began to form.
Then out of the sudden a little... sasuke appeared.
A toddler crawling out from his clothes, with his black onyx adorable eyes, and chubby red cheeks. And beautiful silky hair.
They all gasped
" toddler" naruto panicked.
Sasuke looked at them with a wide beautiful eyes, and then he started crying.
"Oh no, what shall we do, its all your fault, forehead" ino scolded.
"What do you mean, what was in the tomato juice" naruto asked, but the baby was crying hysterically.
"Shut up, let me think" sakura was losing her mind, its suppose to be love potion. What happened.
"I think we should carry him.." Ino said, but as she approached to carry the toddler he screamed more.
She gave him to naruto, trying to rock him back and forth but he kept crying out loud, insanely.
Naruto gave the baby to sakura but he kept struggling.
"Naruto kun.." a gentle voice came, all looked to the lavender eyed, blue haired, Hyuuga heiresses as she entered the ramen shop.
"Wha..whats going on...who is this baby" hinata asked unsure.
"Uhmmmm" Naruto was puzzled.
Hinata looked at the toddler who was crying out, his face was flushed.
She bent down, and carried the young toddler.
And started humming, he clutched to her chest, as she was rocking him, sasuke stopped crying to everyone's surprise.
"" the toddler said and smiled at Hinata.
"Is this sasuke kun..." Hinata asked.
"Uuhmm yes" naruto said
"What happened?" Hinata asked puzzled
"It was supposed to be love potion, i don't know what went wrong.." sakura exclaimed.
"Sakura... you shouldn't have done that.." Naruto scolded.
"Okay easy, naruto kun, now we need to find a way to get him back..." hinata said, as sasuke clutched more to her chest with his chubby small tiny arms, and palms.
"Why is he calm now?" Ino asked
"Hinata is surly an expert with children" naruto said enthusiastically.
Naruto was right, hinata's gentle voice and calm aura, makes her a beautiful mother, however, they forgot something, hinata actually looked like mikoto, thats why sasuke found comfort in Hinata.
They took off heading to Tsunade, who told them that maybe Orochimaru has the answers.
Orochimaru told them that she must have done something wrong, thats why it ended up making sasuke a toddler.
He suggested he'll find a way to reverse the effect, but he needs at least a week.
"A week..." Hinata gasped.
"Uptill then, take care of the toddler" Orochimaru said as he eyed the little sasuke who was snoring soundly inside hinata's embrace.
He felt like laughing, they all decided to take pictures of chibi sasuke, not everyday you turn to be a toddler.
"Okay we will, Hinata is going to look after him" naruto said
Sakura cringed. She felt jealousy, every time she tries to carry sasuke he screams insanely and asks for Hinata.
"Eh.. why me" Hinata stuttered
"Because apparently he is much more calm around you hina chan" naruto said
"Great....." Hinata felt like killing someone.

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