I hate her.8

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Hinata woke up the next day, it wasn't a familiar place, she tried to remember what happened last night.
She does remember being in a dungeon, then taken to the hokage's office, and after that being fed by sasuke and taking a shower.
She woke  up to find herself in a room, covered by blanket, she looked and found an uchiha sign.
She must be in uchiha's mansion.
The door slid open.
"Oh, you finally woke up" karin smiled at hinata, karin though having a bad past just like hinata, a deep crush on sasuke, and that sasuke was going to kill her, but she is his lawful comrade and we can say friend.
She is happy that sasuke finally found someone to love and cherish.
And by being the only female comrade and so well called good friends he gave her the mission of being hinata's acquaintance, because he can trust no one with hinata.
"Uh.. morning karin chan"
"I'll prepare breakfast shortly." Karin smiled
"Oh, please let me help you. Karin chan" hinata retorted and pushed the blanket away.
"No please rest hina chan, you are drained already..,i'll manage, besides sasuke brought us butlers they'll help." Karin smiled
Hinata nodded.
Karin took off.
Hinata decided to get up and head for the bathroom, but she tripped, her legs were shaking, she was vulnerable and can't even raise her body.
Hinata tried to support her weight, and walk towards the bathroom, she used the wall as a support for walking, she started to look for the bathroom, until she found it.
She opened the tap brushed her teeth, and decided to take a shower, she filled the bath tub and dipped her body inside it.
After a while, she washed herself and got up, she wrapped a towel around her bare skin, and supported her body to the walls and started to walk back to the bedroom, but she slipped as she was falling, a pair of arms grabbed her. She looked up and gasped.
"Sasuke kun?" She blushed deep red.
He looked at her, she saw his eyes of crimson red and black. He flipped her and carried her.
She knew he was keeping an eye on her. He headed back to the bedroom, put her down and walked away.
She saw him talking with the butler, she tried to ear drop as he was sealing her Byakugan and she had no chakra
He was scolding them for letting her go alone, saying she would have fallen hitting her head, he asked Karin to prepare her, and dress her up in a decent kimono because they'll be off in few hours, heading for the Hyūga mansion.
Hinata felt delighted and excited, finally she got to see her family, but what business does he have with hiashi.
Karin came in, she gave food to hinata, and the butler then joined to dress hinata, and fix her hair. She was dressed in a pink kimono, her hair was braided to the side, with a small flower clip.
Sasuke came back and waited as hinata came out from the mansion, his jaw dropped on how breathtaking she looked.
She was indeed beautiful.
"Off we go" he said sternly and walked in-front her.
She walked trying to catch his pace but she was too weak, still she didn't get enough nutrients.
Sasuke felt hinata's struggling so he stopped and held her hand, dragging her.
They reached the Hyūga mansion, the butlers opened the door.
"Hinata sama..."
She gave a broken smile.
"Sasuke sama.. please come in" the butlers took them to the main room.
"I request to meet hiashi Hyuuga, he knew i was coming."
"He'll be right there Sasuke sama"
Sasuke and hinata sat by each other, waiting for her father.
Hiashi appeared with hanabi, hinata felt delighted and ran to hug her sister.
Her sister crushed her into a deep warm hug, their tears fell.
Hiashi sat across sasuke.
"Welcome sasuke." Hiashi said
"Greetings Hiashi sama, i came here to ask for your daughter's hand, and your permission to court her next Friday." Sasuke said stoically.
Hinata and hanabi gasped
"What??? You can't you have taken hinata as a hostage, we know it..., you bastard rouge ninja, look at how frail she is..."hanabi growled
"HANABI.." hiashi said sternly.
Hanabi gritted her teeth, she can't let the rogue ninja marry her innocent sister.
"Shit" she muttered.
Hinata clutched her sister's hand, she was scared and shivering she can't marry sasuke.
"You have my respect uchiha-san..."
"I know how the rules of clan works, and it'll be an honor to have a Hyūga into the uchiha's"
Sasuke retorted, even though sasuke is a rogue ninja, he is still is an honorable man, honoring clan rules.
"I agree, sasuke san, you can court her on Friday"
"What, papa, no... you can't..he is a rouge ninja.." Hanabi scowled.
"Hanabi, i said so, and hinata shall follow my orders..."
"But..papa..please..." Hinata begged as tears fell down her cheeks.
"Thats final.." hiashi said his final word and greeted sasuke and took off.
Hinata's cried hysterically, as sasuke gripped her shoulder and dragged her out of the mansion.
"At least give me the honor to be with my sister on such occasion..." Hanabi growled.
Sasuke gave hanabi a glare then,
"Your wish is granted hanabi, you can come to my mansion anytime..." he said as he dragged hinata away.
Hinata looked at her sister, she wiped her tears.
Hinata's shock was beyond words, her legs can't carry her, she was heaving and crying. Sasuke felt knots in his heart. He stopped and leaned down.
"Get on.." hinata looked as sasuke crouched down, bending his back for her to get on.
She looked puzzled, but she complied, she climbed on his back, wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands around his neck.
He wrapped his hands around her legs, and carried her over his back like his brother used to do to him.
Hinata could smell sasuke's scent.
It was very nice, though hinata didn't want to marry the uchiha, yet her heart flutter every now then on such genuine acts he does with her.
They headed back to the uchiha mansion, he let her down and went off.

Sasuke went to visit his brother grave, he paid his respect, and starred at naruto's grave by itachi.
He placed a flower and a cup of ramen over's naruto's grave.
"Hey, teme.."
"Hey idiot" sasuke smiled.
"You seem down.., is it Hinata.."
"You never fail to read me, Naruto.."
"what shall i do..naruto.." sasuke cried,
"Why did you have to die, Naruto...."
"Tell her the truth sasuke... "
"I can't naruto, i promised you...i promised you..."
"Do it sasuke, i tell you, the promise is invalid as long as its my request..."
Sasuke felt naruto resting his hands over his shoulder pulling his only friend into a hug.

To be continued

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