I hate her.2

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"You can't escape ..Me"
The sound echoed through hinata's ears.
Why is sasuke is going to keep her as a hostage! Will he use her for her Byakugan? Will he blackmail konoha's hokage for his revolution.
Sasuke took out his katana, and pointed it toward the girl who was sprawled on the floor.
He pointed its edge under her chin, tilting her head slightly up.
Their eyes met.
Sasuke looked intently inside those lilac eyes.
As if hope and light was radiating from those Byakugan.
He hate this aura, this pure one, the hope and serenity that was radiating from her, like the same that he felt with his mother Mikoto.
Hinata starred back at the activated sharingan that was pinning her.
Hinata wasn't sure why is sasuke doing that.
But she won't give in without a fight.
Sasuke saw no fear in hinata's eyes, that was different.
It was determination, which was such somehow a challenge or a let us say, turn on.
However sasuke decided to test her a little bit, he was unsure why he did that, he can use his hostage in many ways. Maybe hinata thought she was worthless to some people, but to others she is of a value, like he knew how kiba looked after her, or how her sister was fond of her elder one. He can't blame hanabi, in the end, he was fond of Itachi as well.
Hinata knew that sasuke held grudges towards all the village and he won't hesitate to kill her.
She smirked as sasuke pressed his katana into her throat.
Hinata must come back alive, she must finish her mission, success is a must for her, she has to prove herself. She will.
His face expression changed.
He cracked the silence.
"And whats with the smirky face"
"I am of. No use... uchiha san..." she said with a shaky voice.
"B..but, i won't give in... without a fight, even though i know i am below you..." she said with determination.
She looked at him.
They kept starring at each other for  a minute, then sasuke grinned.
He pulled his katana away.
"Then show me, what you have... little princess" he said with a mocking voice.
Hinata activated again her Byakugan, and ran toward sasuke, throwing a punch, he dodged, but she surprised him when twisting her body to kick him in the stomach, sasuke smirked, hinata did actually developed.
He grabbed her ankle and swift her body, landing her on the floor, hinata winced in pain.
She twisted her body again, and attacked his ankle, sasuke tripped and was sprawled on the floor.
Hinata tried to stand up but now her wounds are more sore, she was sweating, and her body was shivering.
She tried to pull her body up, her hands couldn't support her weight, but she felt into a coughing fit, and vomiting up blood.
Sasuke stood up and headed to the girl who was wincing in pain.
He approached her as he saw her vulnerable form.
Like a predator ready to devour his pray.
He pinned her down to the floor, straddling both her arms. Hinata tried to struggle but she was too vulnerable.
Sasuke took out his kunai, hinata looked at him with tears in her eyes.
He smirked, she knew he'll kill her.
Its over, she is going to die, at least she tried. Its her fate.
And all of a sudden sasuke put the kunai over his mouth.
"Fire ball jutsu" he said as he heated the kunai.
Sasuke had learned some of the healing techniques, but his chakra was drained, and he knows pretty well, hinata's had no chakra now.so he has to use the ordinary way.
He flipped then grabbed her legs, bending them, hinata tried to kick him, but she was too weak.
"Stop struggling... you fool, you will die" he growled.
Hinata was take aback.
She stopped, and then sasuke cut her pants, and looked into her eyes.
"It'll hurt, bit this.." he gave her a piece of his cloak.
She nodded.
He inserted the kunai inside her wound, to stop the bleeding.
Hinata screamed in pain.
He then cut her shirt, to reveal the porcelain skin that was mixed with blood, he looked at the horrible puncture.
And again
"Fire ball jutsu" he heated the kunai, and inserted it inside the wound.
"Arghhhhhhh...." hinata screamed. And heaved.
She started heaving.
Tears were falling, she looked at sasuke, he took out his cloak, and headed towards the bathroom.
"Thank.. you" she said sincerely
"Don't flatter yourself too much princess... i need you for my own use.."
his words were like thousand daggers, well even if he hurt her with words like knives, at least he helped her with her wounds.
Sasuke went inside the bathroom, he washed his kunai from blood, and headed back to where hinata's was sprawled.
Hinata tried to reach her backpack for her first aid kit, but as she stood up, she lost balance and was going to fall, until a pair of arms were wrapped around her, balancing her.
Hinata looked into sasuke's eyes, she doesnt understand why is he helping her, neither did sasuke, he doesn't understand why he protected her from falling.
The inner thought of how she made him feel, like why he would treat her wounds, or even care, he hates all konoha , he aims to destroy everyone's there, yet here he is taking care of the wounded Hyūga.
"Pathetic..." he retorted.
Hinata looked down, she was truly pathetic in this way, wounded ninja.
Sasuke placed hinata's on the chair, then he reached for her backpack, he took out a piece of cotton and antiseptic, he started to take care of her wounds, and then he wrapped her broken finger with a bandage.
Hinata looked at sasuke puzzled.
He hurts her with words, yet he is treating her wounds.
He is unbelievably confusing.
After he finished. She smiled and said
"Thank you..."
at least this time he didn't bad mouthed her.
She saw him as he started to walk away and sat on another chair across the room.
Hinata was too tired, she  wanted to stay awake, in order to not let her guards down, but she was too tired. Her eye lids closed gracefully she drifted off to sleep.

Sasuke watched hinata again, as she was sweating insanely, her breaths was irregular, must be because of her wounds.
He stood up and brought a damp cloth, placed it on her forehead.
He looked at the sleeping form of hinata, again, she is indeed an angel.
Sasuke bit his lips on that thought, he hates hinata, he always did since he was at the academy, he hates how she understood him, he hated how she was gentle to him even though he was rough with her, she always met his attacks with a smile, her voice was gentle, he face reminded him of mikoto, he hates her, why is he taking care of her now.
"Shit..." sasuke gritted his teeth.
He stood up and walked away, he decided to shut down his thoughts, and sleep, he looked outside the window, a tempest is hitting, more of a blizzard.
Its that time of the year.
He scoffed and closed his eyes.

Hinata shivered and woke up from her deep slumber, she found a damp cloth on her forehead, her throat was burning, so was her skin.
She was puzzled, why would sasuke put a damp cloth on her forehead.
She then dismissed the thought as she saw sasuke's sleeping form.
She smiled inwardly, she remembered her teammate back at the academy, he looked carefree, why sasuke did you have to change that much. She knew he was faking.
Every time he beaten her in the academy she followed to see him crawled, crying and sobbing, whispering i am sorry hinata, i have to, though she never understood, but he seemed in pain.
However, now she must go back to her mission, she must escape, in the end he is a rogue ninja now.
Hinata tiptoed and slowly grabbed her backpack, she looked, it was a ruthless tempest outside, but she won't chicken out.
She slowly opened the door, and found her way through the roaring blizzard.
The snow really had its effect on her fever.
She limped.

Sasuke opened his eyes when he heard a roaring sound, he was a light sleeper.
His eyes snapped opened as he saw hinata vanished.
He rapidly stood up, and headed for the door, he found hinata's foot steps.
He followed the trace until he found hinata's body sprawled inside the snow, luckily she wasn't too far away, she collapsed, and he wasn't that late.
Hinata's eye was closed, her lips were slightly parted, she was whimpering.
"Neji..ne san..."
"Fool" sasuke snorted.
He pulled her and carried her back to the cottage.

To be continued

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