I hate her.

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A wise man once said, you love the most unexpected person, he also said that a guy may end up marrying someone that resembles his own mother.
And sometimes you love someone to a certain point that you hate how they make you feel, how you are vulnerable around, how you always worry about them, especially when you promised yourself to never have someone precious after being traumatized.
And that was sasuke's feeling to hinata.
He loved her, unexpectedly, deeply...

It has been four years since sasuke left konoha.
For his vengeance quest, to kill the only man he wanted to.
To avenge his deceased clan.
He swore vengeance, and he will have it.
He cut all the ties with his former team.
Team seven, the precious one. But team seven back then was somehow different.
The team was switched. But before his departure, sakura joined the team.
It was him, naruto, and hinata. Hinata was in team seven. But she choose to leave the team, for a reason no one knew uptill now.
Things change a little bit, well drastically, but now Hinata was to be on a mission, on her own.
The Hyuuga who was once called useless, weakling , worthless, won't protect the clan, is somehow fairly strong, she is trying her best to surpass everyone.
And determination and will was her fuel. She took such mission as a. Challenge. Though it was top secret, she decided to prove herself.
And she will.

Hinata rammed the forests, the woods, she jumped from branch to branch, with her backpack filled with necessities for her survival.
Half of her mission was success, however she was badly injured, after a ruthless fight with her enemies.
She was tired and exhausted.
She decided to settle for the night, maybe in the woods, or maybe if she found a small cave she can take shelter.
And she must treat her wounds, she had a deep cut in the inner of her thighs, a stab at the side just under her chest, and a broken finger.
After a fair time, hinata found a cottage, wooden one, her heart was filled with joey, maybe if she asked those who are living there for hostility, and ask them if she can only spend the night, they would agree.
Hinata approached the cottage to find it nearly abandoned.
Well good news it is, now she can take shelter without worrying about her hosts.
She opened the door, as she limped, throw her backpack, and fell on the floor.
Hinata was tired, she lost so much blood. She decided to close her eyes for a little bit, she know she musn't let her guards down, but when tiredness hit you, your whole body shut down.
Unbeknownst to her a pair of black orbs with activated Sharingan was starring at her, with a smirk on his face.

Sasuke was sitting in the dark, he knew an entity was around, he was amused to see his old team mate that he beaten back in the academy. Always sasuke thought hinata was pathetic, and still he is thinking that way, as he saw her crawling on the floor, never even noticed he was there, how can she even be a ninja!
He chuckled  to himself with an evil smirk.
He was entertained to watch her fighting for her own life, like a rabbit or a lamb trying to survive from his predators, pretty sadistic, and he knows he love to see people suffer.
He saw her black out. Her chest was moving in harmony, like a child sleeping, he watched her fair skin, that was reflected in the moonlight, pale, smooth maybe, her indigo hair, silky hair, that was surrounding her, like an angel halo.
That hair, that reminds him with his only love, the only one that showed Him gentleness and love, his deceased mikoto.
Sasuke envied how hinata slept peacefully, like an innocent child, with no worries, only to worry what to play the next day.
He scoffed.
Sasuke watched hinata sleeping for two hours now, for a reason he didn't want to divert his eyes.
Maybe because he chose the road of solitude, and he some how needed a company, or maybe because she resembled his mother's pure aura and gentleness which was actually true, since academy days, no one can deny, the shy girl who was the most gentle and kind person, with the pure aura, that never held grudges.
Yes she was weak, yes everyone saw her worthless, but you can't deny the fact of her being gentle and pure.
His train of thoughts were cut when he heard a small whimper from hinata, she opened her eyes, pulled her body up, with a wince of pain.
And all of a sudden, she was shocked when she saw a dark shadow inside the cottage sitting on the chair.
Pair of black orbs starring at her.
Hinata pulled her self up, she crawled back until she recognized him.
"Sa..sas..sasuke...?" She stuttered
He grinned.
"I....i.. am sorry... i thought, its.. abandoned..." she stammered.
Sasuke kept his stoic face.
Hinata was scared, she didn't see sasuke since old days, she doesn't even know what he is now.
Only the stories of the ruthless ninja, killing people mercilessly, why wouldn't he kill her, he held grudge against all konoha, why she would be special.
She was ready to fight for her life..
"Ma..maybe i... i should be going..."
Sasuke took out his Soward and threw it at her, it passed her face, hitting the door behind.
She was shocked, her face was cut with a superficial wound.
She put her hands on her cheeks to see a trail of blood.
She gulped.
"You came here, uninvited, but you won't leave until i say so.." he said with a devilish tone.
Hinata could feel her body shiver, she knew she doesn't stand a chance against the uchiha, but she won't give in without a fight.
Sasuke saw how terrified was the Hyūga, maybe he can use her to bargain so he can get his revolution.
But then he thought how konoha treats everyone, why would they treat her as precious one.
He felt pain in the inside, hinata suffered the same outcast as sasuke and naruto. Even from her family.
He wanted to change that.
He stood up, and started walking to the terrified Hyuuga, hinata activated her Byakugan, she took out her kunai she wrapped in her thighs, and threw it at sasuke, he dodged.
She stood up, and tried to open the door of the cottage but the sword was stuck.
She tried to pull the sword out, as she heard sasuke slow dead steps approaching her with an evil smirk,
"You are too weak..." he spat.
Hinata was indeed in such situations was weak, she was bleeding, she was injured and she was losing consciousness.
Hinata stopped struggling. She turned around, her back was stuck on the door, and sasuke was talking her, he wrapped his hands around her slim neck.
Hinata looked into sasuke's eyes, and sasuke's looked at her lilac  one.
Yes he noticed since childhood that her eyes had a ting of lilac color.
He was actually admiring the beauty of those eyes, until hinata attacked him with another kunai, he dodged but she punched him in the stomach, sending the ruthless ninja on the floor.
Hinata ran for the window, she broke the glass with her fist leaving her hands bleeding, she started to run but limping.
Sasuke smirked
"You sure are tough one Hyuuga..."
he followed her through the window.
She was trying hard to run with her bleeding thighs, until she felt a pair of strong arms carrying her on his shoulder.
"Oh let me go.. please...let me go" she started throwing punches and kicks here and there, but the uchiha was stronger.
"Shut up." He growled. As he fixed her, he headed back to the cottage.
He throw her on the floor. Sasuke gave her a death glare.
Hinata was scared, she is not even on his level.
"You are my hostage, and you won't escape.. Me" He said.
Hinata gulped.

To be continued.

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