Its a sasuhina last part

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Sasuke finished the bath with hanabi, he was quite distressed but he felt happy at how hanabi was talking to her sister, he somehow knew everything about Hinata.
He knew hinata had lost her mother, and how her father preferred hanabi over her, but Hanabi was attached to hinata just like sasuke was attached to itachi, the whole difference is that despite all the things that hinata gone through which is quite common like what sasuke had to go through, hinata was still kind and generous with her feelings.
He was so thrilled when hanabi insisted that Hinata shall brush her hair.
Sasuke doesn't know how to brush anyone's hair.
He missed his brother and he misses his family.
Sasuke felt stupid for acting so rough against hinata.
From hanabi's talks telling her sister how much she loves her and pampers her, and she was the reason hanabi never felt their mother's absence, he remembered Mikoto..Again.
He wished for someone to do the same for him. He was so consumed in revenge, but sometimes he needed to feel comfort and safe. And surprisingly, he could only think of hinata, the girl he switched bodies with.

"We are here" Neji told sasuke, neji was so suspicious with the sasuke he was talking to, something was odd, he twiddles his fingers like hinata does, he is nervous, nice, to everyone, which was odd for, the uchiha.
Hinata nodded slowly so she won't be busted, she can feel neji's suspicions.
They were led inside the house, first mistake, hinata knew the direction.
"Have you came here before sasuke?" Neji made hinata come back to her senses.
" mean..never" sasuke looked down, distressed.
Neji raised an eyebrow.
"Lead the way, Hyūga" hinata finally gained her composure and acted more like 'sasuke'
Neji scoffed and walked by sasuke, towards hinata's room.
The slide the door open, to see hanabi and hinata playing.
And hinata saw what she didn't want to see, her hair was actually damp.
Did sasuke broke the promise and took a shower.
Hinata gave sasuke that look, pleading and begging to act more like her.
" san.." sasuke called neji, in attempt to act more like hinata.
"Hinata sama.." neji greeted still unsure.
"Aha sasuke-kun, glade you are here, we need to meet naruto shortly..." neji looked at how hinata talked confidently, and then he saw hinata moves pass by him, grabbing sasuke's hand and marching outside.
"Uh..bye neji" neji looked as sasuke waved at him.. stuttering mess.
"Lead the way hinata..." sasuke said after walking a little bit away.
Sasuke followed hinata outside the mansion.
But as they walked silently hinata asked blushing..
" mean...did you..bath"
"Yes..." he said smugly.
Hinata squeaked.
"Its not like i would stare or love to see you, nothing is special about you, your sister insisted thats it" Sasuke spat, but after the words came out of his mouth, he cursed himself for being too harsh.
Why did he has to be such an asshole to the Hyūga, maybe he was denying his inner emotions.
They walked silently again, until they reached to the outside.
Sasuke then dragged hinata by her hands, he pushed her to the trees and came close to her face, she tilted her head to the side.
"Listen hinata, you are not to leave my side until i get my body back, understood"
"Hai.." she said as she closed her eyes.
"And we have to train, together, you need to get stronger, i know you are inside my body, but i can teach you tricks.."
hinata opened her eyes to process the offer, why is sasuke offering to train her, with her, and make her stronger.
Well the answer is easy, sasuke felt guilt inside, that he slapped her, and that he called her weak, now he can understand because he had gone through the same.
Hinata was the second closest to sasuke after naruto.
She is an orphan as well, she lost one of her parents, she was outcast and being treated in the most atrocious ways.
He felt he could at least pay for what he did, sasuke isn't good with apologies so he was good with deeds.
Hinata looked at sasuke in form of appreciation, her eyes was glittering.
But again sasuke's hard tongue must ruin everything.
"Don't flatter yourself much, its for my broken promise, that i bathed.." he scoffed.
"Thank you, sasuke kun..." hinata mumbled, they both looked into each other eyes.
Even though hinata posses sasuke's body, sasuke was technically looking into his eyes, however, even though he could see hinata's glowing eyes, and pure soul.
And even though hinata is looking into her eyes, she still can see sasuke.
Pretty confusing, but yet, they felt something was odd.
"Hey look, hinata is approaching our sasuke..." one fan girl said.
"You freaky eyed girl..." one of the girls called..
Sasuke felt like slapping the girl, for calling hinata that, and technically if he done that, its hinata's body, so it would be taken as self defense.
As sasuke was going to growl at the girls, hinata held his hand tightly. He looked at her, she gave him the 'no please don't ' look.
He complied and stood back.
They kept nagging and making fun of hinata, and curse her for ever laying a finger on sasuke.
"Sorry.." hinata mumbled, sasuke heard, so he complied and acted so much like hinata.
"Better be sorry, freaky eyed" they said but then sasuke lost it.
"Get lost you bunch of fools, she is..uh.. he is my teammate we are here training... get lost..." the girls jaw dropped as they saw hinata with an activated Byakugan, she is scary, they ran away mortified.
"That wasn't necessary sasuke-kun" hinata muttered
"Shut...up... defend yourself.. for god sake" he said.
His voice was pleading for her to stand up for herself, hinata felt her soul on cloud nine, never ever someone stood up for her, add on pleading for her to develop besides its sasuke.
Hinata smiled and leaned on placing a kiss on technically her cheeks, but practically it was sasuke, and for the first time, sasuke blushed, leaving hinata's face with a tinge of red.

Days passed, hinata along sasuke trained together, sasuke knew more about hinata, and vice versa.
One other day as they were walking, hinata and sasuke heard some of the pedestrians whispering, talking about the uchiha and being cursed and detested.
And this was the first time hinata snapped.
"How cruel can you be to him..uh.. I, don't you know how much it hurts to hear you speaking badly about him..i mean me? Don't you people know that He i mean i Have feelings too???!!! He lost..i mean i lost my family god dammit, at least be somehow considerate to an..orphan... " hinata heaved but no one saw but an outburst sasuke.
And as for sasuke, he watched as hinata actually defended him. He felt something odd, happiness?
"Can't you see how tormented he ..i mean is.., can't you see his suffering..." hinata defended sasuke.
Everyone watched an outburst sasuke but it was actually hinata.
An awkward silence fell but then they beheld hinata holding sasuke's hand leading him away.
"You didn't have to do that.. hinata.."he said sincerely
"Yes i had to do that, you are my team mate.. and.. you have feelings." She said smiling.
And for the first time, sasuke and hinata sat and talked about everything and their past, emotions, sasuke actually opened up for her, telling her about itachi and how she resembles Mikoto.
Both talked by the lake, watched sunset and bid each other a kiss on cheeks, and goodbye.
Sasuke from that moment on, couldn't take his mind off hinata, and as for hinata, for the first time, she started thinking about sasuke and dismissing naruto's thoughts.

Much days had passed and still both are trapped in each other bodies, but still they trained and got even much closer, they used to talk and do different activities together, sasuke couldn't get any happier.
He also noticed that Hinata doesn't blush around naruto anymore, but even more around him. Maybe she is reciprocating that awkward feeling he has inside.
And then kakashi summoned them for the next mission.
They took off, naruto sasuke and hinata, they had to reclaim a scroll again.
This time it was harder than the latter, however, the three of them managed to battle fair and square, hinata developed alot, even if she was in sasuke's body, she can fight.
Their bodies moved in harmony, however a kunai hit hinata's in a lethal place, causing her a major injury, well its sasuke's body, but technically its hinata inside.
Naruto hit the culprit and defeated him, while sasuke ran over and held her body, straddling her.
"Hinata..hinata chan.. get up..."
"Sa...sasuke..kun...i am sorry i ..i hurt your body..b..but..thank you.. for everything.." she managed and coughed blood.
Sasuke held hinata's tightly.. ""
He pleaded.
"Hinata please get up...hinata.. sorry..for slapping you. I am sorry for hurting your feelings and calling you weak..i you..hinata..." he cried out as he leaned on and kissed her lips gently.
"Come sasuke get up..lets hurry to the hospital" naruto pleaded, as he watched the distressed sasuke, sasuke is declaring love.
"I..can she make it.." sasuke asked worriedly.
"Don't worry sasuke, your body is tough..." naruto winked.
Sasuke and naruto carrying hinata well technically sasuke's body reached the hospital.
Medical ninja's came and aided him.
They assured them that sasuke's will survive and they could see him tomorrow.
Kakashi watched with a smirk.

Hinata opened her eyes, to find herself in a hospital, lying by naruto's side.
Hey naruto's side, this is not what she remembers yesterday, she was in sasuke's body, and injured.she looked down,  put her hands on her chest, oh boobs, finally, its her, she is back in her body.
"Ahaa..." she flinched as naruto woke up panicked.
"Temee..." naruto growled.
"Naruto kun.." hinata stuttered
"Hinataa..thank are back" naruto squeezed hinata into a hug.
They rushed inside sasuke's room.
Sasuke opened his eyes to find himself inside a hospital gown.
He looked down, he put his hand between his thighs.
Penis.. thank god, he is back.
He looked to the side, its hinata and naruto.
They ran and squeezed sasuke into a hug, hinata placed a kiss on sasuke cheeks.
"Thank god you are back..." she said as she smiled.
Sasuke held hinata's hand, placed a kiss on it.
She blushed fiercely.
"Say i love you.. " he said
"Sasuke..kun" she squeaked.
"Come on hinata, the bastard deserved it.." naruto winked.
"I..l..ov..e you.." she said looking down.
Sasuke smirked.

Five days later sasuke left konoha with orochimaru, hinata and naruto got ready to get him back.

The end.
A new sasuhina story i started writing is called my brother's comrade you can check it, hope you liked those short stories.. till next
Ja ne :*

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