Chapter 02: Football Captain

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"Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time, 

and knowing it would be my favourite"

and knowing it would be my favourite"

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A N N A B E T H 

Being clumsy was unfortunately not a cute quirk, as many people assumed it would be.

You get hurt very often, and while a part of you gets used to it after a point- it doesn't get any better. You also embarrass yourself in front of strangers.

"How on earth did you walk into that glass door?"

I give my best friend Bethany a watery smile as she holds an ice pack to my swollen nose.

"I didn't see it there," I tell her, a little sheepish.

"No, duh," she rolls her eyes, "How did you not see it there?"

"It's very transparent," I offer, with a sincere nod, "I thought there wasn't anything there, but bam-" I make a smacking motion- "there was in fact, a glass door there. Hiding in plain sight- waiting for me to make a mistake."

Glass doors were my biggest mortal enemies.

Along with stairs, the floor, and many other things- but that wasn't the point.

"You idiot," my other best friend, Elliot says- his arms crossed across his chest as he stares down at me with a half-concerned, half-disapproving look.

"I'm fine now, seriously," I tell them sincerely, as I rise to my feet- gently nudging Bethany's hand away. When they both continue to stare at me cautiously, I huff impatiently, "Weren't you both worried about getting good seats literally two seconds ago?"

"Seats," Elliot blinks before the realization dawns on his face- "Oh, seats!"

"Craig's saving three seats for us," Bethany mutters, throwing the ice pack into a trash can nearby, before linking her arms with ours, "You're welcome."

"Thank you," I beam at her brightly, as she gives me the side-eye, "If a football comes hurtling our way, I'll smack it out of the way for you. Because I'm so athletic."

Psh, I couldn't even walk in a straight line without tripping.

Me, trying to catch a ball? It would probably hit me in the face.

Crack! That's the sound of me breaking my nose trying to deflect a football.

"I'm sure you will," Beth deadpans, as we make our way to our seats in the football stadium.

We were in a city away from our homes at the moment, attending a football game in support of one of the schools: the school that was hosting us for a student exchange program. But more about that later.

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