Chapter 25: One Week

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'I don't believe in magic,'
The young boy said.
The old man smiled.
'You will, when you see her.'


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Among the hazy recollections of my drunk self from the night before, one stood out painfully.

A memory.

I don't think she remembered it.

Heck, I was surprised I remembered it.

But it refused to leave my mind, despite how hard I was trying to let it go.

It was just before we completely fell asleep. She was curled under my arm and I was staring blankly at the ceiling above us, when my drunk brain had decided to let the word vomit happen again.

"Mom," I had muttered and she had stirred, tilting her head up slightly to look at me with sleepy, questioning eyes, "I think... she'd like you. A lot."

"Hmm?" is all she had said, clearly not fully awake. 

"She'd mad at me right now," the words still sounded slurred to my ears but it was better than before- because it was no longer nonsensical rambling. "She wouldn't even kiss me goodnight if she were here. That mad."

"That mad?" she had echoed.

"Mhm," I had nodded, only for it to make my head spin.

"Okay then," she had leaned forward and before I had time to process it, I felt a pair of soft lips press against the bottom of my jaw. "There. I'll do it for her."

I could only blink at the ceiling. "Do what?"

"The goodnight kisses?" she had said, her voice still groggy.

"Oh," I had swallowed, feeling all types of warm, "You promise?"


Drunk me had smiled slightly at her response.

Sober me knew better.

Sober me knew that people always made promises that they couldn't keep.

So, when I woke up the next morning, despite the pounding headache that seemed to threaten to split my skull apart, I made my decision.

I needed time, time that I didn't have- to figure out a way to sort my feelings out instead of lashing out at her once more or getting drunk off my ass just because I didn't know how to handle my emotions.

I needed to leave before I made it worse for the both of us.

It had to have been very early, because it was dead silent and still dark outside. Sparing the duvet that was covering both of our frames a single confused glance, I straightened slowly- untucking my arm from underneath her. 

I had heard her let out a little mumble of protest, and when I had looked down at her- she seemed to be snuggling into the spot my arm had just been in. 

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