"My pick-up lines are great."
"Yeah, and I have a pet llama."
"You do??"
"No, idiot."
Arc-en-ciel (n.): Rainbow
He's the perfect example of a thundercloud. He's rude, grumbly, and frightening to most- ready to harshly rain dow...
this is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. first to let go of life and finally, to take a step without feet.
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So here's the thing- I might be a criminal now.
I don't know if it's illegal to pepper spray someone in the eyes for fun. But for argument's sake- in case I was forced to go to a court hearing for it- it technically wasn't for fun.
I could argue that I had been harassed long enough- which was completely true. Enough people would back me up.
Pepper spraying someone in the eyes guaranteed pain. To my knowledge it was even banned in Belgium- so it's a good thing I'm not there at the moment because I would certainly end up going to jail.
Even though Ralph had proven to be a terrible, terrible person- I felt horrible for even doing it. Yes, your honor- I am sorry for causing him bodily harm. But this man won't leave me alone!
Jokes aside, I genuinely felt horrible on the inside.
I didn't know if it was because I felt bad for pepper-spraying him in the eyes. I didn't know if it was because I knew James got punched in the face. I didn't know if it was because of what he said.
Half your family is dead. Deadbeat daddy in jail.
I feel my lips turn downward, as I stare at my pencil.
That wasn't a nice thing to bring up. It was a very triggering thing to say.
A part of me also felt horrible because telling him off made me remember all the bad things I associated him with.
I feel a hand press against the small of my back and I look up.
"You're being all quiet," James says to me, his gray eyes boring into mine, "C'mon, talk to me, Evans."
I look down at the tiny cut on his lower lip- the one Ralph had caused.
I had insisted that we go to the nurse's office because he was bleeding, but since there was no one there I had grabbed a swab of cotton myself and pressed it against his lip until it stopped bleeding.
After that, we walked to the diner together wordlessly.
I couldn't bring myself to speak as much as I usually did. Sometimes, a person's words alone can make you miserable on the inside.
"Does it hurt?"
"Not one bit," he says firmly, and I look away again.