Chapter 18: Attractive People

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The funny thing is, I wasn't even looking when I found you

The funny thing is, I wasn't even looking when I found you

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They won. 

They actually won. 

I'm pretty sure I was going to sound all croaky tomorrow because I had nearly screamed my throat raw. It had been so exciting, actually knowing who was playing on field this time- because the last time we watched one of their games, we hadn't known anyone on the Lakeview team.

I'm also pretty certain that the other team's captain was going to burst because he was so mad.

His face was red- like the angry red- and you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

The man looked like an angry rat. 

I would never say that out loud though- because that was the meanest thing I had thought in a while.

I think James was rubbing off on me. 

"YOU DID IT, MY DUDES!" I yell to Ethan and Tyler who were bounding our way, big grins on their faces.

"WE DID IT, MY DUDE!" Tyler returns with the same enthusiasm- wrapping an arm around my neck and ruffling my hair- while his other arm went around Beth, and he did the same thing to her too.

Surprisingly, other than a half-hearted eye roll, she didn't threaten to break his arm off for it.

"WINSTON CAN ROT IN A HOLE!" Ethan yells, wrapping his arms around all three of us from behind, with a big grin.


"Eli - he was talking about the other team's captain, you idiot."

"Pffft I knew that."

It is then that I catch sight of another tall figure over their shoulders, as he pulled his helmet off and let it land on the ground.

"J-DUDE!" I slip out of their holds, ducking underneath their arms as more people pile into that hug.

His eyes flit up at the sound of my face, and the look on his face was almost pleased. I'd even go as far as to say his eyes lit up a little when he saw me.

"DUUUUUDE," I drag out dramatically, grabbing his arm and shaking it, "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"You're yelling," he tells me pointedly.

"Right, sorry," I clear my throat, dropping my voice down to a whisper, "Duuuude, that was awesome! You did it!"

His fingers wind around my own, tightening over them and involuntarily pulling me much closer than I was before.

"We did, didn't we?" he says quietly, his grey eyes soft as he looks down at me, "Maybe your little pep talk helped."

Something inside me melts.

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