"My pick-up lines are great."
"Yeah, and I have a pet llama."
"You do??"
"No, idiot."
Arc-en-ciel (n.): Rainbow
He's the perfect example of a thundercloud. He's rude, grumbly, and frightening to most- ready to harshly rain dow...
Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt I love.
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"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," I smile up at Tyler, as he looks down at me- his dark brown eyes curious.
He was pretty good-looking- all of them were, but I couldn't help but think a certain dark-haired, brooding guy was the best looking among them. That was an odd thought. Probably best not to think like that moving forward.
"Remember you said you already knew James?" he says, to which I nod- even though technically that wasn't what I said, "And remember how you said it was a long story?" I nod again.
"Well," he balances his lunch tray in one hand, gesturing to my new partner who was still standing in the lunch line, "I'd like to hear the long story."
Bethany, who was standing a few feet away from him- also tilts her head curiously at me. As does Elliot, who stops chewing his fries.
"Well," I laugh, albeit a little nervously, "I actually spilled my coffee all over him."
Four pairs of eyes widen.
"You did what?" Ethan says as a slow, disbelieving smile starts to spread over his lips, "That was you?"
I shrug sheepishly. "He told you about it?"
"Oh, he would never tell us about something like that," Tyler says, as he glances over at James, "We saw it on his clothes. I thought it was because the cashier threw a drink at him."
"I thought it was because he needed an excuse to strip," Ethan adds brightly.
"What the fuck?" Bethany's eyes switch between the both of them with a weirded-out look before she turns to me.
"You never mentioned anything of the sort to us," she says skeptically.
"Ah," I give them an innocent look, "It slipped my mind."
That was a lie. But I was a great liar, so she'd never know.
"Liar," Elliot coughs, shoveling more food into his mouth.
Bethany, who had also very evidently caught on to the lie, continues to look at me expectantly.
Okay, I lied- maybe I wasn't the best liar. The irony.
I'll have you know that I was practicing becoming a better liar. A great life skill, I've been told.
In all honesty, I wasn't sure why I hadn't mentioned it. I was usually the chattiest of Chatty Cathys- but for some reason, I had chosen to keep it to myself.