Chapter 30: Pesky Insects

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There is never a place for true love,

It happens accidentally,

in a heartbeat, 

in a single flashing, throbbing moment.

in a single flashing, throbbing moment

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"He's so pretty, I think I'm going to faint."

Beth rolls her eyes at me, but that doesn't make the silly dreamy expression on my face leave.

"Come on," she says disapprovingly, "You figure out you have a crush on him, and now I have to listen to this? Simp."

"Says the girl with a man," I wave off, but her expression just gets tighter at that, "What's that look for- you don't like your own boyfriend Craig anymore?"

"Zip it," she tells me, but the tightness doesn't quite leave her expression, "Your man is on his way here. Try not to drool when he gets here, will you?"

"Stop it," I say with a shake of my head, but it does take a lot of self-restraint to not turn around and sneak a glimpse at the guy in question. 

So here's the deal- if you hadn't been caught up to speed. I had a big, fat crush on James. 

Scratch that, it wasn't even a crush. I liked him a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

You know how you think you like someone a lot non-romantically until they do something, and then you're like- oh. oh no?  

Yeah, that happened to me two nights ago. 

After the whole "bonding over bad past experiences" thing, he had been leaving- and I had been standing there wishing that time hadn't passed so quickly.

"Will you let me know when you get back?" I had told him as he slipped on his shoes. 

All he had done was reach over, and press his lips to my hairline. It was barely a touch, but it was enough to make a zing run through me and it had my eyes going wide. 

"I will," he had said, with an almost smile, "See you."

And holy shoot. It had hit me right then. Like a motherfreaking truck (Regina George, I feel you, girl). I had liked this guy for a pretty long time, but my mind simply chose not to acknowledge it.

"Are you daydreaming about him again?" Beth snarks, making me turn to her again with a sheepish look, "Ew. Get a grip."

"Boo, hater."

"Boo, see you later," she mocks, offering a nod of acknowledgment to someone behind me as she pushes herself away from the locker- and walks to her first class.

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