Chapter Six

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Don't forget to comment along the way as you read if there's anything you find funny or interesting, so that I know you enjoy it! <3 Enjoy!


Rosie's p.o.v

"Welcome," A tall guy with glasses said, reaching out to shake everyone's hand as we passed him in the hallway. George and Matty hadn't spoken the entire morning, and Matty hadn't spoken to me either. George was mad at Matty, and Matty, ungrateful as he was for my help last night, was still mad at me for some reason. Not that I cared. I was sick of him playing with my emotions.

 "Rosie, " I said, shaking his hand as the last one walking in. Matty hadn't even bothered shaking his hand.

" James," he replied with a smile before leading us all into what looked like a studio or a practice room of some sort. I slowly sat down beside James, facing the boys who were starting to unpack their instruments. 

I smiled at them. 

They seemed so excited. I could tell by their motions and their eyes that they were excited yet nervous, although George seemed more worried than excited. It was obvious by the way he kept glancing at Matty, that he was afraid that he was gonna mess up. 

Honestly, I didn't blame him. Matty looked like he didn't wanna be there. He looked like he had a hangover, even though it was probably the drugs, and he seemed drowsy and indolent.

 " Well, you can play whatever, whenever," James said, leaning back in his chair when it seemed like the boys had unpacked all of their gear.

 " Sex," George nodded towards everybody, making them nod in return.

" This is how it starts.." Matty started out. I knew this song, and it was not supposed to sound like this. The boys played perfectly, but Matty didn't even try. He was slurring his words and he didn't have the same passion and commitment to deliver as he usually would. His focus was elsewhere. 

I sighed, catching his eyes for a couple of seconds before he looked away. I just leaned back in my chair and waited until 3 songs later when they were stopped by James.

"Guys, this is absolutely terrible," he stated, standing from his seat, pacing back and forth in front of them. 

" I'm sorry but you don't seem like you are in this together. I miss commitment and vulnerability," he continued. I looked at Matty. 

" I can't hire a band where the frontman has left his brain elsewhere." I saw Matty look a James before looking back at the rest of the band.

" I'm sorry. But I can't feel you Matty" James stated, " If just.."

" Let me play something," Matty interrupted, looking at James who stopped in his tracks.

 " Last chance?" Matty continued. " I - I've written something. You want vulnerability right?" He raised a brow at the man in front of them. 

George sighed, rolling his eyes. 

" One song," James warned, sitting back down beside me. The rest of the guys put down their instruments before settling down beside James and me. 

Matty took a deep breath, rubbing his face before plugging in his acoustic guitar. An unfamiliar tune started spreading through the room as Matty picked the strings. I looked around to see if anybody knew what he was playing, but everyone looked just as confused as I did. His voice was soft, his eyes closed and for the first time today, you could really feel Matty. He seemed so vulnerable and soft as he sat there totally absorbed in his own little world. The verse was nicely written and I looked at his calm face as he reached the chorus.

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