Chapter Thirteen

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Rosie's p.o.v

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as I felt sunlight hit my face as it peeked through the curtains in Matty's bedroom. Never in my entire life had I felt this terrible, and I felt like I had been mugged, then dragged backwards through the sewers of London, then beaten and lastly killed just to be rising from the dead.

My head was aching and I flinched as I momentarily opened my eyes, just to close them again as quickly as I had opened them.

How dared the sun be out today?

" Please warn me before you puke." I peeked one eye open just to see Matty sitting beside me with a massive grin on his face. He was enjoying this way too much.

"Fuck off. Go and be annoying and loud somewhere else," I mumbled as I nuzzled my face into my pillow. I was not having any of his bullshit right now, and I was pretty sure my head would explode off of my shoulders if he kept talking.

" I made you breakfast, or in reality Adam did," he tempted, making me peek one eye open again, looking across to the tray that was sat beside him on the bedside table.

I took a deep breath through the nose. Eggs and bacon and something sweet.

I pushed myself up, supporting the weight of my body with my hands. My eyes quickly fell upon the source of the smell. Christmas Tea.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before reaching out for the cup without a single word in his direction.

" George told me to get that one. He said it was a tradition in your family during December," He smiled, signalling for me to sit back against the wall, before placing the duvet and then the tray across my lap.

I looked down at the food with a questioning look. Mostly because I wasn't sure it would stay inside me if I ate it, and also partly because I wasn't sure it was a good idea to eat anything Adam had made. His skills in a kitchen came across as.. questionable.

But on the other hand, there was a slight chance that God looked down upon me in a good mood and with a jolly, festive spirit and would allow me to actually feel better by eating.

I shrugged and took a bite hesitantly, making sure to chew it thoroughly before swallowing. I almost expected it to come back up straight away, but to my surprise it didn't.

I turned my head to look at Matty who had sat down beside me. He just observed me silently with a small smile on his face. 

He looked at me the same way a mother looked at her child if they had eaten too many sweets and therefore had gotten a stomach ache. A look that represented a mixture of sympathy and a little bit of ' it's your own fault, stupid.'

He didn't say anything. At least his heart was big enough to know, that he shouldn't annoy me right now.

I looked in silence as he picked up the tv-remote and put on a random episode of friends, before leaning back against the wall and rested his head against my shoulder.

" You stink," he chuckled but kissed my cheek.

I lifted my other arm slightly, taking a sniff, concluding that he was in fact right and not just trying to push my buttons.

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