Chapter Nine

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Rosie's p.o.v

All five of us were sat in the living room, watching some shitty cooking show, that nobody seemed to care about.

 Adam and George sat on the floor while Ross sat in a chair, and I, of course, sat in Matty's lap. It had just become my spot.

" Don't you wanna go home for your days off?" Matty asked, looking at me after I had told the guys about my autumn break from uni. We were off for a little less than a week. It was in the middle of October, and I was coming close to my fourth month living with the guys. 

I closed my eyes at Matty's words and shook my head. 

" No, I prefer staying here," I said, looking in the direction of George who nodded knowingly in my direction without saying anything. 

Matty placed a kiss on the top of my head, making the corner of my mouth curl into a little smile. 

"I'm planning on visiting my mum and my brother if you wanna come?" he suggested, rubbing small circles on my hip. 

I leaned away from the warmth of his chest a bit so I could study his face. He looked serious, a small smile on his face, his eyes looking into mine. I nodded slowly.

 " I guess." The words trailed off, making me sound unsure of the agreement I had just made. 

" Don't worry. They'll love you"


" Let me help you with that," George said as I struggled to carry my heavy bag down the stairs to the platform at the train station. He had given me and Matty a lift to the station. 

" Thanks," I smiled awkwardly, giving him a hug before stepping back to allow Matty to do the same. 

" I expect my cousin back in one piece," George yelled after Matty as we went through the doors and onto the train. I was nervous, and it was probably really visible, because as soon as we had found our seats, I felt Matty grab my hand, giving it a squeeze.

 I wasn't sure why exactly I was so nervous. Maybe it was just the absurdity of the whole situation. How would I introduce myself? 

Matty's friend?

George's cousin?


"Hey, are you ok?" he asked, breaking my chain of thoughts. I nodded, leaning my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.


"Rosie," he shook me lightly, making me open my eyes, blinking a couple of times. I must have fallen asleep.

 " We are here," he smiled kissing my forehead before getting up and collecting his stuff.

I stretched my hands above my head with a yawn, making him chuckle at me. 

The sun was setting as we got out of the taxi that had picked us up at the little train station. It was a nice looking house. Not that it was a mansion or anything, but a pretty regular, cosy townhouse with a little park across the street. 

I felt Matty intertwine our fingers as we walked up a couple of steps in front of the house, ringing the doorbell. The distant sound of a woman calling somebody inside the house, and the sound of footsteps, could be heard before the door creaked open slowly, revealing a woman I recognized as Matty's mum from the very few pictures I had seen of his family.

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