Chapter Eighteen

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Here's a new chapter. It's not super long but it's cute and very important for their relationship, so I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment.

Also don't forget the competition from the last chapter. You can get your own character in the book. Be creative and make something up. You can read more about it in the of chapter 17, so go back and re-read that if you are interested.


Rosie's POV

" You are being boring as fuck," George whined, throwing a Twizzler across the room, which hit my chest before it landed on top of the phycology book that rested in my lap. My nose had been dug into one book after another, more or less every waking minute the last month or so.

The band had started touring and I had tagged along whenever I could squeeze in a bus or train ride to see them. Even if it was just for a single night before going back to London to go to classes. It wasn't optimal but since it had only been in the UK, for now, it had worked out somewhat ok, mainly because I tried to study whenever there was a quiet moment, which was very rare when you were around a group of guys that might as well be 12-year-olds.

"You are sounding like my brother," I replied with a straight face, not taking my eyes off of the book as I took a bite of the red sweet before throwing it back towards my cousin.

Judging from the slight squeal, I had hit my goal.

"My parents and my brother are coming in 10 minutes or so," Matty announced as he entered the room, making me lift my eyes from the book.

I observed him as he grabbed the twizzler, from where it had landed in George's lap, and took a bite from it as he put one foot up on the chair in front of him.

" That's nice of them, considering it will probably be the last show before going around the rest of Europe," I smiled, giving up on reading any further and closed my book. I knew Matty wouldn't allow my attention to be elsewhere now that he was here. Or so I told myself, even though it was probably more of a lie to trick myself into procrastinating the unpreventable studying.

" Yeah, although I didn't expect otherwise now that we are in Manchester," he replied, shoving the rest of the twizzler into his mouth.

As on queue, the door swung open to reveal a grinning Denise and Louis, followed by a bald kind-looking man I had never seen before. Although I could tell, judging from the picture Matty had of his parents in his bedroom, that it was his father, Tim.

Denise looked around, as if searching for somebody, and Matty rose his hand to signal to her where he was, but instead, her eyes connected with mine and she leapt forward, cupping my cheeks to study me properly before pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Rosie, it's so good to see you," she said as she stepped back, allowing me to greet Louis with a hug as well.

Matty chuckled and shook his head. " It's good to see you too, mum," he said sarcastically, referring to her lack of interest in greeting him, resulting in Denise squeezing him, if possible, even tighter than she had done to me seconds earlier.

The man I assumed was his father stood a couple of steps behind, greeting his son, before smiling at me politely. It was clear that he was more down to earth than his ex-wife.

" This is my girlfriend, Rosie Daniel," Matty explained, pulling me into his side, placing a quick peck to my cheek. He looked immensely proud, which made the heat rise to my cheeks.

I reached my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Tim, Matthew's father. You are called Daniel, as in..?" he asked, looking around the room before pointing towards George who was still sat on the couch from before.

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