Chapter One

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"Rosie!" A well-known giant, also known as my cousin, made his way towards me in the train station.

"George!" I screamed back excitedly, letting go of all of my bags, dropping them to the ground and running towards him for a hug. He twirled me around a couple of times in his arms before putting me back down. God, that boy was tall. He smiled widely and picked up my bags as we started to head back towards his wreck of a car. The paint was coming off in patches and it looked like it needed a cleaning. On second thought, he might as well just put it out of its misery and get a new one. George opened the boot with a long high-pitched, piercing creek. I couldn't help but laugh at the sound as he threw my bags in on top of all the rubbish that was already filling up half of the space.

" Purring like a kitty," he defended with a laugh and closed it again, creating an even more high-pitched sound.

" Right!" I laughed, opening the door to the passenger seat as we both made our way around each side of the car.

" In that case, I hate to break it to you, but your kitty is terribly ill then, " I grinned, getting in and closing the door behind me. I looked out the window as we made our way through the city.

" I'm really excited that you have come here to stay for the rest of uni, " he said, breaking the silence. " And I'm looking forward for you to meet my mates," he added, looking at me shortly before moving his eyes back to the road.

"I'm nervous actually," I replied, rubbing my sweaty palms against my black, skinny jeans.

"Don't worry they are amazing people like seventy percent of the time," he laughed. " They are good guys. They are just a little bit out there sometimes," he added. I nodded even though he wouldn't realise while he was driving.

I was here for a new start. I needed a change in my life and therefore my parents had suggested finishing my education somewhere else, in a new environment. Living with George and his friends seemed like the best option. George was my cousin and best friend and we had been close since childhood even though he was a couple of years older than me. I took a deep breath as we finally pulled up in front of a flat in an area outside of the city centre, and I slowly got out of the car and grabbed my bags.

"Don't worry they'll love you," George said reassuringly, squeezing my shoulder quickly as we headed towards the front door and entered the flat. It was obvious that it was 4 boys living there. It smelled a little odd. A mix of sweat, beer and possibly a little weed. The lights were dimmed and the whole flat needed a bit of a hand - or ten. Still, it was somehow welcoming and nice. I went through the small hallway towards the living room where voices could be heard.

"I just don't fucking understand why the hell we all have to be babysitters all of a sudden?" a deep, slightly raspy voice said. Someone was clearly not happy to have a new roommate.

" Matty for fuck sake. It's George's cousin. We can't just leave her in the streets. Remember how you were taken in?"

George and I had finally reached the door, and I could suddenly connect the voices to some faces. A young man was sitting on the floor with a guitar in his lap with another guy sat across from him. They both looked up with a smile, as George coughed slightly to announce our presence.

" So uh. This is Rosie," George said, lifting his hand in my direction, resulting in me waving awkwardly. The one with the guitar stood from his spot on the floor and made his way across the room and greeted me with a hug.

" I'm Adam" he smiled and stepped back. " I'm Ross," the other guy said and waved from his spot on the floor.

" Great. Another George. I'm telling you, if she's anything like you, I might consider moving out," a third guy said, sitting in the corner of the room. I hadn't even noticed his presence before now. He was very thin, some would maybe say lanky. His pale skin was a perfect contrast to the dark, beautiful curls which gracefully framed his face. He had his legs pulled up in the chair, and was wearing black skinny jeans, as well as a black hoody which was too long on the sleeves, giving him slight sweater paws. I stared at him shortly before looking back at George. Normally, I would have thought his comment was a joke, but looking at him it was clear that he wasn't joking. There wasn't any sign of irony on his face. I turned back to look at George for help.

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