Chapter 7: Blanc and Midoriya Vs. CFW Trick

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They were in battle stance. Blanc has transformed. Midoriya charged up to the full extent of one for all.

White Heart: Get ready to die! You freaking sicko!
She exclaimed with anger.

Midoriya: You're gonna regret taking them! No one gets their hands on them! He exclaimed with anger with determination, while his body was still flowing with green electricity.

The sicko jumped high into the air. Higher than White Heart a bit.
He shot his tongue out to her but she dodged it narrowly. Midoriya leaped towards the perverted sicko with a good amount of speed. He charged his power up and transferred it to his hand which was clenched.

Midoriya (mind): If he uses his tongue as a weapon, I'll have to gain more speed than before. His tongue is fast. He thought as he utilized his power up to 18%. He was even faster than he usually was before.

He gritted his teeth because his quirk was making his bones feel like breaking. So he got over the pain and took it. As he was in the air reaching foward to where White Heart was, he used his shoot style move mixed with his 18%.

Midoriya (mind): Shoot Style!
He said in his head as he launched his leg toward the the perverted sicko.

He kicked the perverted pedo in the face with a good amount of force

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He kicked the perverted pedo in the face with a good amount of force.

CFW Trick: Arrrrhhhh!
He shouted in pain.

White Heart was shocked that a teenager like this was powerful enough to take big brute down. She wondered what it would be like if she tested that strength for herself. She quickly had her mind off of that and focused on the fight.

White Heart: Hey! Don't hog the fight! This is a fight for my sisters that were kidnapped! She shouted to him.

Midoriya: Ok!
He said to her while the perverted pedo was getting furious.

CFW Trick: Why you little!
He said furiously as his tongue was swinging around rapidly.
Midoriya dodged his attacks with a bit of ease.

Midoriya (mind): That was close!
He thought.

He was in the air a little high from the ground. His fear kicked in as he was falling to ground at a average speed.

Midoriya: AAAAHHH!!
As he thought this was the end for him, a hand reached his hand, preventing him from falling. He looked up to see White Heart who saved him.

Midoriya: T-thanks for the assist!
He said as she safely put him down to the ground

White Heart: Don't mention it. Focus on the fight!
She exclaimed.

Midoriya: Right!
He said determined.

He was getting into battle stance again and utilizing his quirk up to 15%.

White Heart hovered into the air with her axe in her hands clenched.

CFW Trick launched into the air with his tongue extending out longer and swinging it rapidly. She barely dodged them.

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