Chapter 41: True Ending

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The group made it to the top of the floor level. They walked in the room. Only to be greeted by the other Oracle of this dimension. The mini Histy.

Histoire (Ultradimension): Welcome! I'm so glad you came to visit! She said. The appearance of her made Neptune surprised.
She ran up to her. Plutia was behind Neptune, and Midoriya on the side of Neptune.

Neptune: You're even smaller in person! I could eat you in one bite! You are so totally cute! She complimented.

Histoire (Ultradimension): A-Am I? Really?
She asked.

Neptune: We're friends right Plutie? And Midoriya? So you wouldn't mind if I kept her, would you? Plutia?
She asked Plutia.

Histoire (Ultradimension): Huh?
She was confused. Plutia smiled sweetly. Midoriya smiled as well while scratching the back of his head. Plutia and Midoriya walked up close to the Oracle. Plutia put her hands underneath the book the Oracle was sitting on.

Plutia: No, no, Neppy!
She said while carrying the Oracle in her hands. Midoriya didn't follow Plutia. He was afraid something would happen if he didn't get in her tracks. He just stood by Neptune. Neptune pouted.

Neptune: Aww, you're a meanie.
She pouted. Midoriya got Neptune's attention. His head was turnt the other direction where it lead to a cabinet.

Midoriya: Hey Neptune...
He put a hand on her shoulder. Neptune turned around and saw the head of Peashy poking out of the corner.

Midoriya (mind): Let's hope she still remembers.
He thought. Neptune was surprised and confused. Peashy poke her head more a bit.

Neptune: P-ko.
She said her nickname. Peashy still standed there. Neptune put her hands behind her back and smiled at her. Midoriya smiled as well.

Neptune: Hey, come give me a hug!
She requested.

Peashy still wasn't sure if she did remember her.

Peashy: Neptu... Neptun...
She tried to say her name.

Neptune: Oh, it's okay! Really! You can call me Neptune or Neptuna. I don't care! You can call me anything! Now come on! Give me a big hug! She said smiling. She opened her arms for a hug to be hugged by.

Peashy slided her hand up a bit on the cabinet door. Wondering.
She took a step forward and another step forward until her face had a awe look a bit. Neptune still resumed smiling.

Peashy: Neptune!
She ran towards her.

Peashy: NEPTUNA!
She exclaimed.

Neptune: Oh P-ko!
She formed tears a bit. Her mind was in happiness. She ran towards her.

Peashy: Neptuna!
She said her name again while her name was echoed through Neptune's mind.

Neptune: P-ko! P-ko!
She said again. Unfortunately, she got elbowed by her. Neptune grunted in pain. Midoriya was surprised and shocked.

 Midoriya was surprised and shocked

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