Chapter 26: R-18 Island

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After the rescue of IF and having dinner. The next day was beautiful to begin with. Neptune opened one of puddings.
Midoriya was sitting next to Neptune. But not too close.

Neptune: Time to dig in!
She said to herself.

Midoriya opened his pudding and looked at it's appearance.

Midoriya (mind): It's all watery. But it should taste good.
He thought as he had his spoon digged in the pudding. He slowly lifted the spoon to his lips and tasted it. His eyes shot opened. The taste was irresistible to begin with. It tasted really good.

Midoriya: Wow, Neptune. This pudding you eat tastes really good. He smiled.

Neptune: It brightens my day! Normally, I eat them when I can't do anything else. So that's it. Does it taste good to you? She asked.

Midoriya: Yeah.
He said.

As Neptune and Midoriya were both eating their puddings, a shout got their attention.

Neptune: Hmm?
She looked in the direction where it came from.

Peashy: No fair, Neptuna! That pudding is mine! It's Peashy Nep's pudding! She exclaimed.

Midoriya: Are you sure you got the right pudding?
He asked.

Neptune: Yeah! She's saying it's hers! I don't think so!
She said.

Midoriya: Ok, calm down a bit. We could work this out.
He said smiling awkwardly with hands swaying left and right. Peashy ran to where Neptune was sitting.

Neptune: Look, that doesn't even make sense. You said it yourself. It's Neps! How can you say it's Peashy's and not mine?! She got up from her seat and dodged her attempts getting the pudding.

Peashy got angry a bit and tackled her.

Peashy: Mine!
She exclaimed. As she tackled her, the spoon and pudding fell from her hands to the ground. Neptune couldn't process a bit because no one. I mean no one had never made her pudding fall to the ground.

Neptune: Thanks a lot, P-ko! Now you gone and done it for the both of us. She got angry at her.

Midoriya: Neptune, not to be mean but she's just a child.
He smiled awkwardly.

Neptune: You stay out of it, hero!
She bringed her anger out on him. Making him scared.

Midoriya: Sorry!
He shivered.

Peashy: I did not! This is your fault!

Neptune: What?! My fault?! You need to check yo self before you wreck yo self! She grunted while turning her head the other way.

Neptune: Really, you ruin everything!
She crossed her arms.

Peashy widen her eyes and formed tears.

She exclaimed at the top of her lungs.

Peashy: Big dummy!
She said with a heart broken voice while running away from her.

Neptune: Only a dummy calls people dummies, dummy!
She exclaimed back at her.

Midoriya: I think you went too far.
He said with a worried look.

Neptune: Who cares?! She is a dummy who ruins everything!

Noire: Real nice. You sure taught her how to act like a grown up.
She said while Neptune widen her eyes a bit.

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