Chapter 36: Message

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(Histoire's Office)
(I know she doesn't have an office.) (It's like an office.) :/

The Sharicite was like a rainbow lighting the void like room up. In the room like void, was Nepgear, Compa, IF, Neptune, Midoriya, and Histoire. Nepgear gasped in awe at the shine of the Sharicite.

Nepgear: That's amazing! I never seen a Sharicite shine so bright before! She said surprised.

Compa: I know! It's beautiful!

Midoriya: I never seen anything like this before!

IF: So Nep, what does this mean?
She asked.

Neptune let out a light giggle.

Neptune: It's obvious, isn't it? Planeptune is a super duper smash hit! She said with a finger up.

Neptune: Like durrr!
She said.

Histoire had a chart that showed the rate of Shares that were going up.

Histoire: Our shares had been in slow decline for quite some time. She turned to the next page chart.

Histoire: But one day, they suddenly skyrocketed. Now, someone
inexplicably were far out piecing the other three countries. She explained.

IF: But that doesn't make any sense.

Neptune: I told you it's obvious. Our blast processing gives us blistering speed, that the other countries can even touch! She said

Histoire: I told you that its not even a real thing. It must be the victory we had over Eden! She said.

IF: That might be a contributor. Surely not on this scale.

Compa: But Nep Nep has been working really hard.
She said.

Nepgear: That's a good point! Congratulations on that, Neptune!

Neptune: Dawww, this is nothing for a Nepping serious mode! But we're not here to talk about how rad I am. We're here to talk about this! She had a rolled up paper and opened it up.

Neptune: I wanna say thank you to all of our citizens by opening up the basilicom grounds and throwing a party to beat on party! She said

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Neptune: I wanna say thank you to all of our citizens by opening up the basilicom grounds and throwing a party to beat on party! She said. They all cheered for her.

Neptune: I call it, "The Dynamite Wonder Festival!"
She named it.

(Planeptune Penitentiary)

It was a beautiful day outside again like always. The penitentiary had Rei locked up.

Rei Ryghts: Why...?
She said to herself.

Rei Ryghts: It's not fair! How did this happen?
Her voice cracked.

Rei Ryghts: What went wrong? I'm just a citizen activist.
She said. She was handcuffed at first. Second, was that the dark pink aura was on her hands out of nowhere and it slowly engulfed her whole body. Oh no.

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