A Mission

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Weiss can't even cry. She just lays there on the medical bed looking up at the ceiling. A single thought running through her mind.



"Ms. Schnee, I would appreciate it if you did not doze off in my class." Weiss awakens to Professor Oobleck's words and the laughter following them.

"S-sorry, Professor," she says, "it won't happen again."

"I would think not. Now, as I was saying..." Oobleck continues his history lesson as Weiss watches with half interest.

The bell rings and Weiss waits for her teammates to finish packing up. "Good job falling asleep, Weiss," Yang says with a laugh.

"Shut up! I've been having rough nights, okay?"

"Geez, Weiss, sorry. Just a friendly jab." She walks out of the classroom with the other two following behind her. Weiss sighs and follows behind Ruby, getting excluded from whatever conversation they were having.

They get to the dorm and Weiss sits on the bed. Zwei jumps up into her lap and licks her face, which causes her to smile to herself. At least you like to be around me, she thinks.

She realizes that the room is silent and looks up to find the three other girls staring at her. "Um, I'm sorry, what was it?" Weiss asks.

"Are you ready to go tomorrow?" Yang repeats.


"Have you seriously already forgotten?" says Blake. "The mission we got assigned today. Out to the north of the kingdom. You know, out near the old hospital?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm totally ready." She forces a smile at them. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well," says Ruby, "you said you haven't been sleeping well, and we were concerned."

"Oh please. I'm fine." She scratches Zwei to distract from her nervous twitching. She just couldn't shake the sinking feeling in her chest about this mission.

"Well, why don't you try and get some sleep. We'll take Zwei out for a few hours so you can do it in peace," says Yang as she gets out a leash for Zwei.


"No buts, Weiss. You need sleep," Ruby says pointedly. She helps Yang get Zwei ready to go out with them.

"Trust me, Weiss, you'll feel better after you get some sleep," says Blake.

"You don't know that for sure..." Weiss mumbles to herself, thinking about the dreams.

"See you in the morning, Weiss," says Ruby with a motherly smile. She walks out with Zwei as Yang and Blake wave and follow her. They leave no more room for argument.

When they are gone, Weiss can't help it. She sobs and lays on her bed. How could they just leave her like that? It wasn't that late! And Weiss didn't even want to go to bed, knowing the dreams would follow her. She lays down in bed. The setting sun reflects off the chrome clasps on one of Blake's books into her eyes, and Weiss can see some of her reflection.

Mirror, mirror, who's the loneliest of all?

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