Chap. 8 : Be Quick

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"L/n, can we eat lunch together?" The said girl and her friends turn their heads around. "I don't mind if it's also with your friends," Arata, the one who called Y/n says.

"Uh..." Y/n trails off, she looks at her two friends with a sheepish smile. Mimi and Akari knew what happened between Arata and Y/n and they didn't really approved of the idea of them being friends since Arata was a playboy.

Akari sighs, "Sure, I guess..." She paused, "But no flirting or funny business like your stupid tactics," she sternly says.

Arata nodded with a grin.

"Arata!" A voice called Arata, he turns his head to the doorway to see Tomatsu and Mitsuo waving at him.

He walks over to them and leans on the doorway. "Yes?" He ask with a raised eyebrow.

Mitsuo smirks, "Did you got L/n to agree with you?" He ask, being confident that he would definitely get rejected again.

"Just wait will ya? My plan is in progress," Arata smirks gaining a frown from Mitsuo.

"That's awesome, didn't thought she was that easy..." Tomatsu says.

"It wasn't easy at first but I got her trap in my plan... And it'll take longer than a month or 2," Arata scratches the back of his neck with closed eyes.

"That'll be bad..." Mitsuo started, "I'm gonna be out of town with my parents' on the third month so..." He raises a brow.

"What? Be quicker?" Arata ask, confused. Mitsuo nodded, "That'll be impossible, dude!"

"Sorry but you need to.. I'll be gone for like... 2 weeks or so," Mitsuo explains. "Plus, I will never stay at home alone because who's gonna make food for me!?" He over exaggerates. "I expect you'd get her om the end of next month," he crosses hi arms across his chest.

"Yamazaki! We're changing plans, we can't eat lunch today because we have something important to do," Y/n explains as she comes over to Arata and his friends.

"Um... Hey," Y/n greeted to his friends, they smiled and nodded at her in response. "We'll have to cancel our lunch so.. See ya!" She turns back to Arata. After telling him their lunch was canceled, she bid the boys and left them to continue what they were talking about.

"Are you friends with her or something? Was that your plan?" Tomatsu ask, curious. Arata sighs and nodded.

"That'll be longer than expected so please, make a move if you can or you'll have to buy me lunches," Mitsuo smirks and pats Arata's shoulder.

He stare at his friend with a bored face as Mitsuo takes his hand off of Arata's shoulder.

"Don't look down on me, I'll get her," Arata says as he shoves Mitsuo and left to go God knows where.

"I won't be underestimated.."

"I will get her."

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