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Gerard kept crying on the way home, I sat in the backseat with him (Franks Driving Don't Worry) because I kept crying too. Mikey was like the brother I always wanted, he was always there for me when I was sad or angry. He was always there no matter what anyone was going through. He was even there to comfort us when I lost our baby girl. I remember all the good things like when we were kids and we all made pillow forts as we pretended to be pirates taking over New Jersey.  I miss him. These types of thought were going through my head during the car ride home.
*Time Skip*
It had started raining an hour ago, it was the cherry on top of this depressing day. When we had gotten home Gerard had gone straight to our bedroom. I made dinner 2 hours ago and tried to get him to come out and eat but he didn't so I just let him be. I walked into the kitchen and saw were he used to sit at the table.

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