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        Ivy woke up and prepared for school. She did her morning routine and walked out of the dorm, then to the common room.

        "Ivy! Just who I was looking for!" John, the Ravenclaw quidditch captain yelled once he saw her.

        "What would you like?" Ivy asked as she sat down in one of the chairs. She liked John. He was funny, and knew how to keep a conversation going when she didn't know what to talk about.

        "So. We are running short on quidditch players this year... and since your dad was good at quidditch... I was wondering if you could try out?" John asked with a pained expression on his face as if he was scared to ask. Ivy scoffed nervously.

        "What? Me? Why me?" Ivy asked incredulously John smirked.

        "You're short, fast... that sound like a good combination for a seeker." He said as Ivy groaned.

        "I don't know. I'm not very fast... I haven't flown in a while. And I barely know anything about quidditch. Could we go out to the pitch today after dinner?" Ivy said slowly, scared about flying and making a mistake.

        "Yes. We could go and see which position you would be good at. You could use my old cleansweep." John said as Ivy nodded.

        "Okay. I'll try my best." Ivy said, nodding as the he walked away, leaving her nervous for the chances of her playing quidditch.


Ivy walked into Transfiguration and sat down in her seat, next to Remus. She liked sitting with them in the classes they had. They were funny and entertained her when the teacher did not. Ivy sat there for a few minutes, thinking about quidditch.

"What's on your mind, Ivy?" James asked, snapping Ivy out of her trance. She sighed, looking down at the ground.

"James... be honest..." She said, looking into his hazel brown eyes. He winked. Ivy felt herself already regret what she was about to ask.

"I swear to be one hundred percent honest," James replied one hand over his heart and the other held up in the air.

"I'm asking for a friend. Do you think I would I be good at quidditch?" Ivy said, nervous about his reply. "My dad played quidditch, that's why they think I'd be good." She added hastily when she saw his face.

"Honestly, yeah. You'd be a good seeker." James replied, looking at her small complexion. She felt intimidated as he stared at her.

"I don't know. I'm not very fast." Ivy repeated for the second time that morning, before turning and looking at Professor McGonagall.

Transfiguration went like normal. It was boring, but she got through it. She glanced over at Marlene and her group of friends. She was a bit disappointed she wasn't sitting with them, but she wasn't surprised. They were all so tightly knit, it would be hard to mingle her way into their friend group.

        Soon enough, she moved onto Charms. She hated Charms and dreaded it every day. No one else seemed to hate it very much, but Ivy found it boring and complicated at times. Ivy did the stupid charm Flitwick assigned and got all marks for the day. Eventually, it was time for Herbology, with the Slytherins.

After a long day of classes and pointless conversations, it was after dinner. Ivy began to walk out to the quidditch pitch. John emerged from the castle a few minutes later, his old broom in his hand and his new one in the other.

        "You can use this for today and we'll see how you do. We can buy the same broom on Saturday in Hogsmeade." John said as he laid the broom down next to her. "Do you know how to summon it—?"

        "Yes! I'm not an idiot. Up." Ivy exclaimed, surprised that he thought she was that ignorant. The broom came flying up into her hand. It's been a while since she has done that.

        John raised his eyebrows. "Show me what you can do." John asked as Ivy cringed. There wasn't much she could do except fly.

        "All I can do is fly."

        "Then fly."

        "Okay," Ivy said sassily as she kicked off, feeling the wind in her face. It really has been a while since she had done that.

        "You're a natural! Now, we need to see which position you should try out for." John said as he grabbed the quaffle and a few golf balls. "I tried out for keeper in my second year, and I was a reserve. It seemed as if I was a better chaser. Try to score against me." He said, flying up to the goalposts.

        She grabbed the Quaffle and zoomed to the goals. She threw it into the middle hoop. John stopped it with ease.

        "So you aren't a chaser." He said immediately, laughing and throwing it back to her. They flew on the ground to discuss. "That was a hard throw, just predictable." He said once they sat down. "I think we should go in the direction of something with arm strength. How about a Beater?"

        "Beater? Me? You're funny." She said. But John was not joking. He rolled his eyes at her unwillingness.

        "Just try it. You might be great." He said quietly, handing her the bat. She heaved an annoyed scoff.

        She hopped in her broom, and prepared for one of the Bludgers to be released. She braced herself.

        "Just hit it back to me, as hard as you can." John said, opening the box. "On the count of three. One... two... three!"

         He released the bludger, and it came whirling at Ivy very fast. She didn't know what to do. Panicking slightly, she swung the bat as hard as she could, and it went flying back to John. He got knocked down in his back. He stayed there for a few seconds, obviously winded.

        "Are you okay?l She asked, comedically calm as she flew down there, looking at where he was laying. He eventually got up and put the Bludger back in its place.

        He took a few seconds to breathe, before he looked at her with a grin. "Beater!"

        Ivy smiled slightly. Never in one million years did she think she would be a beater. Her dad played quidditch. He was a chaser. Apparently, he was supposed to have been really good. He will hopefully be happy now that she is actually doing something he did.

        John smiled as they walked back to the castle. "Tryouts are on Monday. We'll buy a broom on Saturday."

        They got to the common room and sat down. Ivy decided she needed to go to study.

        "Goodnight, John." She said as she walked to her dorm, preparing herself for the annoying girls that would be gossiping.

        "Goodnight." John replied, walking to his dorm.


chapter lengths will increase once interesting things start happening ..... this is all filler right now to progress towards better things :D

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