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It was the day of the full moon and Remus felt awful. His hearing and eyesight were heightened, and he had a strong headache. His scars were enhanced and he had big eye bags.

Ivy walked into Transfiguration and sat down next to Remus. She greeted him, her gaze lingering on his sick face.

        "You're sick? Again? I swear, you need more vitamins or something," Ivy grumbled as she got out her Transfiguration book. Remus smiled weakly.

        "I'm fine."

        "Well, you don't seem like it. You need rest, obviously," Ivy said as she waited for McGonagall to start class.

        "I assure you that I'm fine. I'm a bit tired, but I'm okay," Remus said as Ivy looked at him skeptically.

       "Okay. But if you feel any worse, go take a nap," She said worriedly. McGonagall cleared her throat and began class.

Transfiguration had always been a class Ivy enjoyed, but not as much as Potions. This was James's best class.

         Today in Transfiguration they reviewed spells that would be on the O.W.L.'s and spent a lot of time reading. Ivy thought she understood it, but wasn't so sure after reading the chapter.

"Are you gonna take Transfiguration next year?" Ivy asked James as they walked to Potions. He scoffed with a confident smirk.

"Of course, I'm amazing at it!"

Ivy rolled her eyes and smiled at his arrogance, walking as fast as she could next to Remus.

        "Oi, Snivellus? Washed your hair yet?" James said as Severus was shoved into the wall. Her brother, Justin, was standing next to him. Justin and her made eye contact. She mouthed a sorry. Justin pressed his lips in a firm line and turned around to where Severus was standing.

        "I don't understand why you bully him so much," Ivy said to James. Sirius answered for him.

        "It's because he exists!" Sirius said with a laugh as James and Peter joined in. Remus remained quiet.

        "He's done nothing to you," Ivy protested quietly as James shrugged. James turned to talk to Sirius. "It's kinda out of line, don't you think?"

        "I agree." Remus replied with a small smile on his face. Ivy was glad someone thought the way they treated Severus was cruel. She turned into potions and sat down with Remus, waiting for Slughorn to start class.

        "Hello class! Today we will brewing a strengthening solution. You have an hour. Bring it to me when you're done!" He said, clapping his hands.

        "I'll get the supplies," Ivy said as Remus casted a sideways glance at her. He knew that it was easier if he got them, but decided to let her try. She couldn't reach half of the things they needed and was getting frustrated quickly.

        "Do you need help?" James asked, who also happened to be getting supplies. He was getting them much faster because they were all at eye level.

        "No," Ivy said fiercely as she began to climb the cabinet. Remus watched her with a smile on his face.

        "Are you sure?"

        "Yes. I can get it."

        She had one foot placed on a bottom shelf as she put her hand at the top, fishing around for the salamander blood they needed.

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