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        "Studying, studying, studying! All we do nowadays is study! The exams aren't even for another four months!" Sirius Black said, slamming his book down once they reached their third hour of studying. Ivy looked over to him, shocked at his annoyed voice.

        "Three months and two weeks, thank you very much, and they're are gonna be hard. But you can take a break. Go walk with James or something," Ivy said as she looked back down at her book. Remus didn't even bat an eye at Sirius, he was deep in thought about Defense Against the Dark Arts. Peter and James were off somewhere, not studying as they should be.

        "No, but the N.E.W.T.'s are coming kind of soon, I want good scores," Sirius whined as he opened his book back up, reading begrudgingly.

        Ivy sighed exasperatedly, shaking her head with a smile as she went back to her work. After around two more minutes, Sirius groaned.

"Fuck it, I'm gonna go hang out with James and Peter," Sirius said as he threw up a peace sign and walked away. Ivy shook her head.

"So dramatic," Remus said as they watched him waltz away. Ivy laughed.

"Yeah, he is," Ivy said with a small smile as she read. They were in the Great Hall in the middle of the day during her one free period. Severus walked by, a scowl placed firmly on his face.

"Y'know, you guys haven't messed with Severus in a while," Ivy said as he walked out of the great hall, the Green and Silver billowing after him.

"Yeah. It's because of Sirius," Remus said, referring to something Ivy hadn't even found out about. Ivy looked at him with a confused face before he began to get into the details. "At the end of fifth year around O.W.L. time last year, Sirius tried to pull a prank on Severus. It was after he called Lily the M-word, so that might have had some to do with it. He suggested, jokingly, that Severus should follow me in the whomping willow during that time of the month. James stopped him before he got to me, though. But it's not completely Sirius's fault, Severus was snooping where he shouldn't be."

"He still shouldn't have done that. It would have been horrible if he got to you," Ivy said with a scoff and the roll of her eyes. "How have I never found out about this?"

Remus shrugged. "You were so consumed with your studies that you didn't even notice. And none of us thought to tell you, so we just pretended it never happened. I got over it quickly, so that helped too."

"You're too forgiving sometimes, I swear. And it's not a bad thing, you're just always settling for others. If I were you, I'd have at least hexed Sirius," Ivy said with a short laugh, causing him to smile.

"It's just easier to forgive and forget. What's the use in arguing?" Remus said with a shrug, looking at Ivy's incredulous face.

"Maybe I'm just spending too much time around Chloe, but you need to act like you're assertive and confident, even if you're not! Because trust me, I'm not, but Marlene, Lily, and Jessica comment on how confident I am all the time!" Ivy said as she slammed her hand on the table. Remus laughed amusedly. "Seriously. And you should be confident! You have the smarts and the looks and the personality to back it up!"

        "You always say how you don't compliment me enough, but you go on these tangents almost every day," Remus said with a smile. Ivy shook her head.

        "No, I do not. Well, maybe I do, you just happen to need them all the time," Ivy said as she shrugged, going back to her studies. Remus smiled as he continued to read. Ivy glanced at Remus as he read, her for once being the one to stare at him as he studied.

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