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         James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius sat outside, studying relentlessly. Ivy walked up to them. None of them looked up from their notes. Ivy was thankful that she had been studying for the past few months.

        "You guys finally studying?" Ivy asked as she sat down next to Sirius, who looked rather stressed out.

         "You were right. We should have started studying a while ago, this is horrible. I'm going to fail," Sirius said nervously as his eyes scanned the page.

         "I'm sure you guys will do fine. What is it you're struggling with?" Ivy asked as she leaned over to see what Sirius was studying.

        "Potions," Sirius and James said in unison. Ivy nodded.

        "Well, Potions is my best class, so I could probably help you. Do you want me to quiz you both?" Ivy asked before Sirius nodded, handing her his notes. "Okay, what color is Draught of Peace?"

"Orange!" James said confidently as Ivy and Sirius looked at each other. They burst out laughing, rolling around on the ground. James looked offended. "What? What is it?"

"The book describes it as turquoise blue," Ivy said between laughs. Sirius was still laughing loudly.

"It's a simple mistake, get on with it!" James said, his cheeks turning pink as they continued to laugh. Remus and Peter began to chuckle as James crossed his arms.

"Okay, next question," Ivy said, wiping tears from her eyes. "Where would you find a Bezoar?"

"In a goats stomach," Sirius answered as James nodded with him. Ivy smiled and moved on to the next question.

"How many known uses of Dragon Blood are there?" Ivy asked as James waved his arms in excitement.

"Twelve!" James exclaimed.

         "Yes. What does adding too much of one ingredient in the Draught of Peace do to the drinker?"

        "I don't know." Sirius said as James shrugged.

       "It puts them into a deep and maybe permanent sleep," Ivy said as they nodded, trying to remember that. "Okay, what color is Strengthening solution?"

"Turquoise!" James and Sirius yelled at the same time.

"Good. And James, I'm proud of you for learning your colors," Ivy said as Sirius began to laugh again, rolling around. James rolled his eyes and hid his smile.


Ivy woke up, her stomach churning with anxiety as she walked to the Great Hall. Today was the first day of O.W.L.'s. Ivy sat down at her table, not wanting to eat.

"I'm gonna fail. I'm literally gonna fail," Chloe said as she sat down next to her, a Charms book in her hand. Ivy shook her head.

"No you won't, you're smart! You're really good at charms," She reassured her, forcing herself to butter a slice of toast. Chloe groaned as she hit herself in the head with the book repeatedly.

Bella and Jessica were both engrossed in their notes, not even bothering to make conversation. Ivy got out her own Charms book and looked over the notes she had taken.

        She was incredibly nervous, mostly for Charms. Not even Divination or History of Magic, which was even surprising to her. Charms had always been a class she despised.

        "Chloe, you got a new boyfriend?" Ivy asked, attempting to make small talk as she flipped the pages of her Charms notes quickly.

        "No. I'm taking a break from boys. It's the first time I've done that in a while!" Chloe exclaimed excitedly as Ivy smiled and continued to revise.

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