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        "Happy Birthday Remus!" Ivy announced loudly as she carried a present to where he was sitting in the Great Hall during their free period. He rolled his eyes.

        "You didn't need to get me anything," He protested despite gently taking the gift with a caring smile.

        "Oh shut up, you tallywhacker," Ivy said harshly, causing James to laugh as Remus opened the gift. It contained a bar of chocolate from Honeydukes since he was somehow running low, a new sweater, and a short book on jinxes, hexes, and curses.

        "Since I stole your sweater and you won't take it back," Ivy said with a short roll of her eyes as he held up the blue sweater. It was true, every time she tried to give it back he would take it out of her hand and pull it over her head.

"This is too much," Remus said fondly as Ivy scoffed.

        "Ugh, stop it, no it's not," Ivy said with a smile of her own. "Besides, you better use some of those jinxes in that book. On Sirius, preferably."

        Sirius flipped her off.

        Remus laughed as she sat next to him, having some time to waste. "You're seventeen! How do you feel?!"

        He shrugged with a smile as she shook his shoulders gently. "I don't know. Normal."

        "Well, you should feel spectacular! You can legally cast magic now!" Ivy said excitedly. It seemed she was in one of her better moods this day. She didn't have as much homework as usual and she just felt a lot happier.

"I don't know. It feels kind of weird, I guess," Remus said with a shrug. Ivy nodded

"I feel like I'm aging too quickly sometimes too! I feel like my life is over and I'm ninety years old!" Ivy said with a simple shrug.

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!" Sirius sang to Remus. Ivy laughed.

"I can't dance. I'm sure Ivy knows from when we danced at that New Years' party," Remus said as Ivy shrugged.

"I mean, you weren't that bad," Ivy said with a sheepish smile and a shrug, not sounding like she meant it.

"Oh yes, he is! All he did was step on your toes," James interjected, causing Ivy to laugh, not disagreeing nor agreeing.

"I warned her I wouldn't be good!" Remus said defensively.

"Well, Ivy should have taken your word. We watched you both dance all night. And then you two snuck away and snogged—"

"Okay, that's enough," Ivy said, interrupting James halfway through as Sirius and Peter laughed. "We don't need to go into detail about the happenings of that night.

"We don't need to. We know that you two danced lovingly and made-out in the hallway," James said with a smile as Ivy blushed, pursing her lips as they laughed. She sighed annoyedly.

"Well, I'd love to chat, but I've got to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Goodbye, have a nice birthday, Remus!"

        Ivy got up, walking out of the Great Hall swiftly and to Alchemy. They watched her go. An idea popped into Sirius's head.



        "I know it sounds like a stupid idea," Sirius said, interrupting James as he waved his hands around erratically. "But it's not! It's really not!"

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