Chase and the Cubone

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The silence of the vast forest was cut by a shrill, child-like scream. Deep within the greenery, a small brown creature wandered around, looking lost, tears streaming down its face. It wore a slightly large skull around its head, like a mask, and carried a small bone in its tiny clawed hand. It wandered around for what seemed like hours, occasionally poking through the eye holes to rub its eyes. Eventually though, exhaustion took over, and it crumpled to the ground, shuffling to lean against a tree. Its head drooped as it started to fall asleep.

‘Cubone...’ it murmured sadly, as its eyes became heavy and started to close.

‘Hey little guy, what are you doing all alone?’

The creature's eyes immediately shot open, fear entering its body as it heard a male American voice. Panicked, it tried to get up to run, but its arms were too weak to lift its tiny body.

‘Hey! It's ok: I'm not going to hurt you.’

The creature, known as Cubone, didn't believe the man at all, but was too tired to move. Instead, it whimpered and shut its eyes tightly, preparing itself for an attack. For a few seconds, nothing happened and Cubone started trembling. But, then, it felt a warm hand on its shoulder, causing it to slowly open its eyes and look up at the man.

The man was young, and wore black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a grey and dark pink flat cap. He had short bright green hair that messily poked through from under his cap and in front of his eyes. Around his belt were three Pokeballs and, as the man started speaking, a white Pokemon appeared behind his left shoulder. The top of its head was spiky, and it wore a blue and red half eggshell that covered the majority of its body. It gave Cubone an innocent, child-like smile, which Cubone didn't return.

‘My name's're a Cubone right?’, Chase asked softly, a warm, friendly smile on his face.

Cubone just nodded, its eyes wet with new tears. Chase looked at the little creature sympathetically and crouched down, trying his best to wipe away its tears.

‘What's wrong? Why are you on your own?’

The tears threatened to reappear as it remembered why it had been wandering aimlessly around the woods. It then struggled to get up, ignoring Chase's attempts to support it, even swiping his hand away.

‘Cubone, Cubone, Cubone!’, it said quickly in a scratchy voice, waving its tiny arms around.

Chase frowned, ‘You want to show me somethi-HEY! WAIT!’

Cubone had suddenly taken off running in the direction it had come from, not even waiting for a response. Chase watched it confused and worried.

‘Togepi...?’ The little egg Pokemon suddenly spoke up, climbing onto Chase’s shoulder.

‘I think it wants to show us something Togepi.’ Chase answered back, lifting the small Pokemon up over his shoulder and into a hug.

‘C'mon, let's follow it.’ Chase then ran after Cubone, until they both reached a clearing. It was then that Chase saw what the problem was: a slightly bigger version of Cubone was lying in the tall grass. Blood painted the grass and parts of this creature's body. Cubone stood next to it, its paws covering its eyes as it started crying again. Chase slowly approached the bigger Pokemon, turning Togepi around, so it wouldn't see. As he got closer, he yelped and stepped back, eyes wide in shock: the larger body was missing its head and one of its fingers.

‘Where did that go?!’ He asked rhetorically, confused at first, until he looked back at Cubone, who had lifted its bone into the air to show Chase.

He tried to hide his horror as he spoke, ‘Oh...I guess you gotta find a way to defend yourself.’ He then sank to his knees and detached a Pokeball from his belt, looking a little defeated.

‘Togepi, return.’ He muttered. Cubone watched as a red beam drove out of the ball and covered Togepi. It then dived back into the ball, and Togepi was gone.

Chase smiled weakly at Cubone, which encouraged the Pokemon to come nearer to him.
‘I’m guessing old age, huh?’ Chase muttered as Cubone climbed onto his lap and clung to his shirt, trying to fight back tears.

Chase placed a hand on its bumpy back, ‘It's ok to cry, you shouldn't hold it in.’

Chase's words seemed to tip Cubone over the edge, because it started crying loudly, while Chase hugged it tightly.

Eventually it stopped, now reduced to hiccups. Chase gave it a sympathetic smile.

‘You know you don't have to be alone right? You can travel with me if you want?’

Cubone looked up at Chase then bowed its head, thinking. Chase waited patiently as it did so: he didn't want to influence its decision. But, to his relief, it eventually looked up at him and nodded. Chase smiled brightly.

‘I’m glad to hear it Cubone. You won't be alone; I have lots of friends that you can meet!’

‘CUBONE!’ it yelled excitedly, a hint of a smile appearing on its face.

Feeling relieved, Chase slowly got up off the grass, hugging the Pokemon in one hand and making sure it was facing away from the corpse. Just as he got up, he heard his phone beep.

‘News bulletins...’ he muttered, as he took his phone out of his pocket and started walking in a random direction. He still hadn't figured out how to switch the news feature off so had just left it. However, this particular bulletin made his stomach drop and he stopped moving.


‘Oh no...’ Chase almost whispered, encouraging Cubone to look up at him confused.


Chase shook his head, fear starting to sink in, ‘He's a friend...come on, we need to tell Jackie!’

And, without waiting for a response, Chase started running out of the forest with his new Pokemon clinging to him.

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