Jackieboyman The Gym Leader

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The Machoke, a blue muscular Pokemon, ran towards the tired looking Voltorb, essentially a Pokeball with eyes, and slammed into it. The Voltorb flew across the large empty gym room and smashed into the nearest wall. When it landed with a clank, it didn't budge, causing its trainer to run up to it, worried.

‘Voltorb, no!’, the trainer yelled, as he knelt by his fainted Pokemon.

Machoke, meanwhile, had returned to his trainer, Jackie. He was a fairly tall, thin man who wore light blue glasses, a red hoodie that had dark red elbows pads attached to them and black fingerless gloves. His short brown hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks, and his blue denim jeans were caked in mud.

‘Great job!’ Jackie exclaimed, taking a Pokeball out of his hoodie pocket and returning his Pokemon to it. The trainer picked up Voltorb and started walking towards Jackie, who smiled sympathetically.

‘Electric type are not effective against Fighting/Rock type Pokemon. You shouldn't have used Voltorb.’

The trainer bowed his head, sounding embarrassed, ‘Oh...’

Jackie frowned, ‘how long have you been travelling for?’

The trainer looked up, still embarrassed, ‘Er...about 2 weeks...’

Jackie’s smile returned, ‘You still have lots to learn. Learn about each Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses, and that will help you in future battles.’ He then chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, ‘If it's any consolation, your Pokemon are strong; Machoke was my last one!’

The trainer's face brightened at hearing this. ‘In that case, I'll train my Pokemon to become much stronger! Then we'll battle again!’ the trainer exclaimed excitedly, a new-found look of determination on his face.

Jackie just chuckled and held his hand out, ‘I look forward to it.’

The trainer shook Jackie’s hand, and then walked out of the gym.

‘That was a good battle...’ Jackie muttered to himself as he watched the trainer leave, before heading to the back of his gym.

The backroom was a training space/huge obstacle course: rock climbing pebbles lined the walls, and the floor space was filled with various equipment including punching bags, climbing ropes and weights of various sizes. Occupying one of the punching bags was a Hitmonchan: a brown Pokemon with thin legs, a square jagged head, purple shoulder pads and bright red boxing gloves. It seemed to be in a trance as it constantly punched the dark red bag.

‘Hey Hitmonchan!’ Jackie called out as he approached it.

This pulled the Pokemon out of its trance, and it nodded at Jackie, smiling a little.

'Hitmonchan?’, it asked curiously in a deep voice.

‘The battle went great! Well...’ Jackie smirked as he went to the opposite end of the bag and held it, encouraging Hitmonchan to continue. ‘He didn't win but he has potential.’ The smirk changed to a warm smile and he chuckled. ‘Good thing I didn't send you out: you could've easily beaten all of his Pokemon!’

Hitmonchan stopped hitting the bag and looked round at Jackie, frowning.

‘Chan...’ it said disapprovingly.

Jackie suddenly looked guilty, and took the 3 Pokeballs out of his hoodie pocket.

‘Sorry guys, didn't mean to be rude; you guys did great!’ He suddenly looked thoughtful, ‘Speaking of...I need to take them to the Pokemon Centre: Fearow and Primeape took quite a beating!’ Smiling a little, he placed them back in his pocket and looked at Hitmonchan.

‘I’m gonna lock the gym doors. I won't be long!’ He yelled as he left his gym.

‘Chan!’ the Pokemon yelled back in understanding.

It was a warm day, and the sky was a bright blue as Jackie ran across the busy street. He smiled as the white and pink square building quickly came into view; the short distance was the main reason he had picked this particular gym.

Walking through the automatic double doors, he noticed a small crowd huddled round the Centre's small TV.

They should really get a better TV, Jackie thought as he passed the crowd and walked up to the front desk. The nurse behind the desk looked up from her computer and smiled at him, in recognition.

‘Jackie! Its been a while! I just healed your latest opponent's Pokemon; he seemed to put up quite a fight!’ She said in a soothing and dainty voice.

‘Er...yeah...’ he muttered awkwardly; sometimes he wasn't sure whether she idolised him or was flirting with him. Nonetheless, he returned her smile and handed her his Pokemon, which she took into the backroom.

Jackie walked over to a nearby chair and sat down. He looked over at the crowd opposite; he wanted to see what they were so interested in, but quickly thought against it.

Probably a Pokemon Tournament, he thought as he leant his head back and closed his eyes.

‘Er...Mr Mcloughlin?’

‘Huh...?’ Jackie mumbled, his eyes slowly opening to look at the nurse, who was trying to hold her laughter in.

Must've fallen asleep, he thought as he got up and collected his Pokemon, looking a little sheepish.

‘I'll give you guys a break today; you all did well.’ He said, beaming, as he put the Pokeballs in his pocket and exited the building.

Breathing in the warm summer air, he started making his way to the PokeMart to buy some more healing potions. This area was a fairly small town, with a Pokemon Centre, a PokeMart and even a Pokemon museum. Jackie's gym was technically a beginner's gym, but he still had trainers of various skills and levels visit him. And, as he passed his gym, there was a familiar looking trainer outside the door, looking in...


Chase jumped and looked at Jackie in surprise. As Jackie jumped over the small hedge to get to the building, he noticed that his younger brother looked a little panicked. He also carried a small brown Pokemon in his arms.

‘Oh hey, you caught a Cubone. Congrats!’ Jackie beamed as he approached his younger sibling and petted the Pokemon's head. While Jackie dreamed of Chase becoming a Gym Leader like him, he knew that that wasn't the reason why he had Pokemon. All of his brothers had Pokemon for a specific reason, and Chase's reason was to look after and care for abandoned and sick Pokemon.

‘Hey! Have you seen the news?! Something terrible has happened and I don't know if he's ok...!’ Chase immediately started yelling quickly, and in a panic, causing Jackie to put his hands up.

‘Woah, woah! Slow down. Explain slowly, remember? Breathe in and out.’

Chase sighed and closed his eyes, doing a simple breathing exercise that Jackie had given him; he had a tendency to speak too quickly and exhaust himself by accident. He then opened his eyes and tried again.

‘The facility on New Island has blown up...they're saying Henrik's missing.’

Jackie felt his stomach drop, and a chill run down his spine, ‘Oh...’

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