Pokemon or Puppet?

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It was a starry night in Lavender Town. While everyone slept in the haunted town, the Pokemon Tower was alive with noises. In the once-empty building, a purple Pokemon was floating away from someone. The Pokemon, a purple spiky head with clawed arms, was smiling gleefully and didn't look like it was being threatened. However, its terrified cries told a different story.


The Pokemon turned round and stuck its tongue out in the direction of the voice. It then continued fleeing once it saw who the voice belonged to. Antony, a fairly tall man with dark green hair, was teleporting down the hallway towards it. He wore a black, torn T-shirt and black jeans that were ripped at the knees. Dried blood covered his hands and lower arms, and he had pointed ears and bright green eyes.

The purple Pokemon, called Haunter, eventually reached a dead end and Antony giggled gleefully as it turned to face him, now looking worried.

‘Told ya earlier: you can't escape me. I know this place better than you.’ He said in a deep, growly voice. He then took a strange black Pokeball out of his pocket, causing Haunter to look at it concerned. Antony smirked.

‘Last chance: are you going to accept me as your master, or will this be done by force?’
The Haunter stuck its tongue out at him. Antony glared, ‘So be it.’ He then threw the ball at Haunter. It hit the Pokemon on the head and glowing green strings immediately came out of it and wrapped themselves around Haunter. The purple Pokemon panicked and tried to get away, but it was no use as the strings tightened and pulled Haunter into the Pokeball. It slammed shut and immediately started frantically swaying.

‘I don't think so; I’ve been chasing you for hours!’ Antony growled angrily. His eyes then glowed red and, for a few seconds, the entire Pokeball glowed green at the same time. As it returned to black, it stopped swaying and the man sighed and went to pick it up.

‘Jeez...fucking finally...’ he muttered under his breath as he put the Pokeball in his jeans pocket. He then heard a buzzing sound and a sickly smile crawled across his face as he looked up at the high ceiling.

‘Well, you took your time Scyther!’

A tall green bug had flown up to him and landed next to him, shrieking. Its scythe arms twitched weirdly, but this wasn't the strange part of this Pokemon’s appearance. The strange part was its eyes, which were as black as night. Dark red blood constantly trickled out of Scyther’s eyes, and it was constantly rubbing them.
Antony looked at it a little irritated, ‘Stop that: you can't win, so stop fighting against me.’

As if on cue, Scyther lowered its arms, but started snarling as if in pain, and looked at him with pleading eyes. Antony ignored this, instead taking the new Pokeball out of his pocket with a cold smile.

‘Finally caught the Haunter! Although it didn't put up much of a fi-'

‘Who's there?’

A posh British voice interrupted Antony's boasting, and he frowned, curious. He motioned for Scyther to follow him, and then walked towards the source of the intruder’s footsteps. As he turned a corner, he smirked: standing by the entrance to the cemetery was a fairly tall and thin elderly man. He wore a black bowler hat, a blue waistcoat, black suit trousers and a white shirt. There was a pocket watch dangling from his coat breast pocket and he held a wooden cane. A tall brown Pokemon with a shell-like head followed behind him, its scythe arms raised defensively.

‘Anyone?’ He yelled, looking around warily. Antony came out from the corner, smirking, causing the old man to step back in fright.

‘Jeepers young man, you scared me half to death!’ The man responded with, placing a hand to his chest. Antony didn't stop.

‘Good. I don't like intruders.’

The man looked worried at this, lowering his hand to his side, ‘Intruders? I am merely just paying my respects!’

Antony's smirk changed to a wide smile, ‘To yourself I see? Excellent!’ He then stopped moving and turned to Scyther with a glare, his eyes glowing red: ‘GO!’

Without a moment's hesitation, Scyther flew towards the man, who's eyes widened in fear and shock. As it got nearer, it raised its sharp scythe arm, and swung it down hard...onto another scythe arm.

The man’s fear turned to relief as he saw his tall Pokemon stand in front of him and block Scyther's attack. Antony, on the other hand, looked angry.


‘Kabutops, Slash!’ The man suddenly yelled, determination on his face. The tall, brown Pokemon, Kabutops, raised both of its arms, just as Scyther went to headbutt it in the stomach. Kabutops’ arms dug into Scyther's back, spilling out dark red blood, but this went unnoticed as the green Pokemon started slashing aimlessly. It managed to cut into Kabutops’ sides and stomach, and the man looked at his companion with worry, before looking at Antony and yelping. Antony's red eyes had started to darken to black, and he wore a blank expression. As if on cue, Scyther's eyes started bleeding heavily and its attacks got quicker and stronger.

Kabutops started wincing and stepped back, confusion in its small eyes. Scyther took this opportunity to suddenly leap at the Pokemon.


A red light engulfed the brown Pokemon, and it disappeared, leaving Scyther to fall to the ground with a loud thud. The man just starred at Antony and Scyther in disbelief and horror, and started backing away.

‘What are you...?’ He managed to blurt out as Scyther got up, its small wings lazily carrying it. Antony's eyes had returned back to green and he smiled coldly.

‘I am the one that will take you out of this world...’ He then glared at Scyther, who had now stood up, and was starring at Antony blankly, as if awaiting orders. He didn't have to wait long.

‘Kill him.’

The elderly man screamed as Scyther quickly turned to face him, growling loudly, and flew after him. The man wasted no time in running out of the building and out of sight, with the Pokemon closely behind him. Anthony just laughed like a madman.

‘Yeah: get outta here old man! No one likes intruders on their property! Intruders don't last lo-'


The building suddenly shook, and parts of the roof started falling. Antony looked stunned by this unexpected and sudden incident.

‘What the fuck?!’

He turned away from the entrance, and started running down the hallway before suddenly disappearing, and reappearing on the roof.

‘Hey! What do you think you're doi-?’

He stopped talking, eyes slightly wide, as he saw what had caused the incident: standing on the edge of the roof in a small crater was a tall, thin white and purple Pokemon. Its purple cat-like tail whipped about angrily, and it’s small purple eyes glared curiously Antony. Antony was the same, as he cautiously walked towards the creature.

‘Where did you come from?’

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