Marvin Pt 2

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Henrik grimaced as he sipped the Green Tea that Marvin had given him.
‘I ztill prefer coffee.’, Henrik finally stated, placing his cup on the low table in front of him. Marvin, who was kneeling on a small mat opposite him, frowned.

They were in Marvin's one room hut; bamboo lined the interior walls and, behind Marvin, was a white kitchen sink, oven and stove. His small bed was in a corner of the room, below a small window.

‘Well, it's Green Tea or water.’ Marvin said, looking a little offended; even though they lived near each other, the two brothers didn't always see eye-to-eye. Henrik studied medicine as well as Pokemon evolution and advancements. Marvin, on the other hand, preferred taking herbal remedies and meditation to heal himself and his Pokemon; arguments over what was better were fairly common when they were growing up.

Henrik nodded, and the two of them sat in silence for a while. Eventually Marvin broke it.

‘What caused the explosion?’

Henrik looked up, unsure of where to start. After a few seconds, he bowed his head and spoke quietly.

‘I vas...experimenting on...Pokemon clonin-'

Marvin suddenly glared, ‘I thought you were trying to bring your son back?’

Henrik held his hand up, ‘Let me explain. Do you remember vhen Antony vas little and he found my storage room?’

Marvin smiled and said, in a sarcastic tone, ‘Oh yeah, and he injected himself with Alakazam DNA? Yeah, I remember that pretty well coz now he teleports!’

Henrik's face lit up, ‘Exactly!’

Marvin looked confused, ‘I’m not following.’

‘Ve may be more connected to Pokemon zhan ve vhink! Zherefore, I vanted to try out Pokemon cloning first before moving onto human cloning.’

Marvin raised an eyebrow at him, ‘Henrik, Pokemon and humans are not intertwined with each other, they are a completely different set of species.’

‘Let me ask you zhen: how did you learn Telekinesis?’

Marvin frowned, ‘I didn't: Kadabra uses me as a vessel as an additional source of powe...oh.’ It was like a light had switched on in his head as he finally understood what Henrik was getting at. Henrik smiled.

‘See? You are compatible vith your Pokemon, so can share its powers! Antony vas compatible vith ze DNA and BOOM!’ He suddenly clapped his hands together, making Marvin jump. ‘Antony haz ze Pokemon powers!’

Henrik's smile then faded as he remembered what had happened just a couple of hours earlier. ‘But...zhis lashed out...became too strong...’ Henrik looked in the direction of the door, ‘It must be in ze nearest town by now.’

Marvin frowned, thinking, ‘Well, that's Lavender Town...’ His eyes widened, suddenly remembering what he was going to tell his brother.

‘Henrik! A body showed up in the Pokemon Tower!’

Henrik looked back at Marvin; if his skin could turn any whiter, it definitely did now, ‘You don't vhink...?’

‘Yes. I could sense Antony there a few hours ago. The police haven't found him yet, but...’ Marvin trailed off: Henrik had bowed his head and seemed a little upset. Marvin continued, more sympathetically this time.

‘Look, I know you two were close, but he's not the same. He's been taking part in Pokemon battles and, once he wins, he steals the opponent's Pokemon and kills the trainer. He's a cheater and a killer...I don't even think he has any humanity left in him.’
Henrik just nodded, ‘I understand...’ He then got up and went to leave without a word. Marvin just watched him, confused.

‘Er...where are you going?’ Marvin asked, slowly standing up. Henrik turned round to face him with a smirk.

‘I figured ve should give our brother a visit.’

Marvin stood there in disbelief, ‘Did you listen to anything I just said?!’

‘Yes, but he iz ztill our brothe-'

Adopted brother!’

Henrik shrugged, ‘He iz ztill family, and ve can ztill try and convince him to come vith us.’

Marvin looked worried, ‘I'd rather he not come with us.’ However, as Marvin spoke, he started walking up to his brother, patting his pockets to make sure he had Kadabra. Henrik looked disappointed.

‘You are bringing Psychic Pokemon? Zat iz not good idea.’

‘And neither is meeting our crazy, bloodthirsty brother in a Pokemon cemetery and, yet, here we are.’ Marvin immediately snapped back. He then walked out of his hut, and Henrik followed without a word.

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