Chapter 26: I'm Going To Do It

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"What about me... Sylas. Get off the bed, now," Elijah interjects.

Sy jumps off the bed, then looks down as Elijah scolds him.

"Elijah, he wasn't hurting anything. Besides, you'd freak out if you saw him in my bed, right," I interrupt him to stop Elijah from hurting Sy.

Elijah shrugs, then nods as he says, "Yes, that's true, though, I've made these rules to..."

"I know you're doing that to protect me. But he wants to wake me up in the mornings. Either way, you'll flip out, but he prefers to be in this form when you do scold him. Maybe take it easy, okay," I interject once again.

Elijah sighs as he looks down, then he speaks in a serious tone, "You're right, I'm sorry. Alright, son. You may wake her up every morning, but I don't want to see you in this form inside the house again. Unless it's an emergency, got it?"

Sy nods, then runs out of my room. I giggle softly as I glance up at Elijah.

"Thank you, Elijah," I say sincerely.

He looks over at me as he says, "Now you owe me. Pay up."

He throws his arms open as he walks towards me. I hug him as he hugs me tighter. Elijah rubs the back of my head as he pulls me a bit closer.

"I'm going to do it today," I mumble.

Elijah pulls away swiftly as he asks uncertainly, "Really? Why? What made you change you mind so suddenly?"

I look down as I smile, then he nods slowly. My cheeks flush a light pink as I think of Sylas and Seth. I want to know more. I need to know more. Not just them, but all of my past. That includes my mom.

"I know now. Of course, that makes sense. You two are a perfect fit for one another. I'm glad we chose right. Then again, we wouldn't have stopped searching until we found the right person for him. Which would have be you, of course," Elijah explains as I smile softly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. That's sweet of you to say though. And I'm not doing this just for him. I need answers, too and I won't get them until then."

Elijah chuckles as he then says teasingly, "Sweetie, you shouldn't deny it when it's so obvious. You're doing this for him. You lov...."

I cover his mouth as say, "You're right, I like him. He already knows."

I glare at Elijah, as he pulls my hands away so he could laugh. I sigh as I get out of bed while shaking my head with irritation.

"Don't you have paperwork to do," I say, annoyed by his comments and actions.

Elijah stops laughing only to say in a stressed manner, "Don't remind me. I have enough on my plate."

I giggle softly as I say, "Right. Well, you should get busy. Maybe stop by later when I'm not so mad at you."

Elijah gasps, then exclaims, "Mad?! What did I do?!"

I glare at him as I glance over my shoulder in his direction. Elijah's eyes grow wide as he then looks down.

"Oh. Never mind. Well, have a good day, Missy. Also, let me know about what time you plan on..."

"After dinner," I answer swiftly, hoping Sylas won't catch on.

He nods as he then speaks softly, "Alright, I'll finish my work by then."

Elijah leaves so I could change and clean up. I slip on a high waisted
black skirt with a long sleeve, purple top. I love this look. Once I get dressed, I walk out of the bathroom to see Sylas sitting on the end of my bed.

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