Chapter 75: It's All About Change

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"You really weren't kidding. She's adorable! Oh, I'm sorry, your highness. I shouldn't be saying such things," says the girl as she bows to me.

Huh?! She called me, your highness?! That's a first. I walk a little closer to her, only to examine her features a bit more.

"If you boys wouldn't mind leaving the room, I'd appreciate it. This is a very personal examination and I don't want to overstep any boundaries," she speaks in a gentle and shy tone.

I glance over at Sylas to see him staring at me intently. I swiftly look down as I'm fully aware of his motives. He's going to fight that and stay behind. Elijah nods as he begins to take his leave, whereas Sylas continued to stay in place.

"Come, Sylas. Listen to her request," Elijah orders.

Needless to say, their argument wasn't pretty. After ten minutes of arguing, Sylas ended up winning because Elijah gave up and apologized to the witch. I keep my head down as I'm embarrassed by their actions.

The girl kneels down in front of me as she then introduces herself, "Pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Katya. I'm Ava Graystone, a witch from your grandmother's Coven. I'll inform you now, I've been in this field for over hundreds of years, but I've not seen anything like your case before. I've only heard stories. It's an honor that you've trusted me with your case."

I give her a nod, then I walk a little closer as I then bow my head down to her. Ava smiles softly as she pets me.

"Goodness, you're so soft and fluffy! Aww, you're so cute, just like a puppy," she exclaims excitedly.

I glance up at her with soft eyes, then Ava sighs softly before getting herself together.

"Okay, enough playing around. I've done some research alongside my family, in which, we've come up with one possible solution. It's a simple potion, I've brought the ingredients with me as well. There's a spell I must chant with it. By then, you should revert to your regular wolf form," she explains in a calmer tone.

I nod as I agree with what she's said. She gently picks me up and holds me close to her chest.

"I've got to do a body check, so, please excuse me, your highness," Ava informs me.

I give her a nod, then allow her to check my body. Once she's finished, she puts me back down onto the bed. Ava begins making a potion as Sylas walks around to my side of the bed, only to sit beside me. Sylas pets my head as he keeps me calm. He picks me up only to hold me closer to his chest.

"What happens if this doesn't work," Sylas questions curiously.

Ava freezes as she then contemplates.

"Well, that's a great question. The only other solution we come up with was to nurse her way out of it. Meaning, you'd have to find her mother or a motherly figure to nurse her while myself and my Coven chant a spell, to speed up her time," Ava answers.

I glance up at Sylas, then I look down, feeling upset by the second plan. Sylas rubs my head gently to help me relax some more. Once the potion's finished, Ava sits it down on the floor as Sylas puts me down on the ground as well.

"You may start drinking it. I'll begin the spell in a second," Ava speaks softly as she grabs her spell book.

I begin drinking the potion as she then starts chanting a spell. It took me about 3 minutes to finish all of the liquid in the bowl. Once I had finished the potion, Ava chants the spell one last time before ending the session.

She closes her book as she informs us, "By the next time you awake, you should be full grown. If not, then we'll be looking for other possible solutions. Contact me once anything happens."

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