Chapter 82: Lyra

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The bartender approaches me, asking what I’d like to drink. I smirk softly as I lean forward, allowing my breasts to bulge a bit.

“Hmm, I wish I were here for a drink, though, I’m in need of a job. Some guy recommended me this place, yet he never told me what positions were available. Do you have any information or maybe an application for me,” I speak in a seductive, yet flattering tone.

I can only hope this will sway the bartender and get him to reveal something to me. He scoffs before rolling his eyes and looking away from me.

“You may be looking in the wrong place, lady. Unless you’re here willing to please men in any way, shape, or form, then sure, you may have found yourself a job,” the bartender informs me.

I nod slowly before smirking softly.

“Oh, really now? Hmm, seems I was sent to the right place. Tell me then, what’s this girl gotta do to get the job,” I question teasingly.

The bartender leans forward, motioning me to come closer as well. I lean in closer only for my ear to be near his lips.

“You’ve got to be a dog, in order to join. Preferably Omega,” he whispers into my ear.

I’m so disgusted by him, though, I can’t let my true feelings or aura get in the way, otherwise, that may complicate somethings.

I slowly pull away before whispering seductively, “Seems like you’re in luck, I just so happen to be an Omega. If you wanna have a good time, I’d be more than happy to show you just how much of an Omega I can be.”

The bartender grins from ear to ear before nodding his head in agreement.

“I like the sound of that. Maybe tomorrow night. I’ve already got a few other ladies in line ahead of you. If you don’t have a place to stay, our ladies stay in the cellar where there are plenty of rooms. Feel free to go down and take one, if you’d like,” the bartender suggests.

I smile before kissing his cheek.

“Thanks a lot. Guess I won’t have to find another couch to sleep on. I’m pretty wiped out, so, if you wouldn’t mind, I may just call it a night now,” I state before insisting I go to bed.

The bartender nods before adding, “Sure thing, dollface. Be ready for work tomorrow at 6pm.”

I give him a thumbs up before making my way back to the cellar. I slowly walk down the stairs only to keep quiet, hoping not to make a sound. Once I make it to the cellar, I see an array of doors in this long hallway.

“This might take a while,” I mutter lowly under my breath.

I take a quick glance at a few of the doors only to notice that they have dry erase boards on the doors with women’s names upon each board. Seems quite a few of the women share rooms. I didn’t realize just how many there were. I begin my search my her name. After making my way down the never ending hall, I finally come across a door which had her name upon the whiteboard, along with another name underneath.

I quietly knock on the door, in hopes Lyra will answer. The door swings open to reveal a buff, white woman with blonde hair. She honestly scares me for some reason. Maybe it’s her appearance or the raging aura I get from her.

“What the hell do you want? Who are you,” she questions out of irritation.

I take a deep breath before looking down at the ground below me.

“My name’s Kat. I’m looking for Lyra. Her and I kind of go back and I was wondering if she was still hanging around here,” I speak bravely.

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