Chapter 74: Small

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I move my head forward, allowing him to pet me. Sylas smiles softly as he rubs my ear and over my the back of my neck a couple times. Before I go to step back again, Sylas slowly moves his hand down my back, running his hand through my fur.

"I'll explain after. For now, let's go for a walk. Or a run, depending on how you feel," he speaks gently to me.

I give him a nod as he then backs away from me to change himself as well. This is the first time I'm truly watching him change. It's interesting and not as scary as I thought it would look. I wonder if I looked anything like that. Sylas didn't take as long to change as I did, probably because he's more experienced. As Sy goes to approach me, I'm suddenly picked up out of nowhere. As I begin to struggle, Elijah hushes me.

"It's okay, Missy. I just want to hold you for a moment. I'm checking to see if everything's turned out alright," Elijah explains his reasoning to picking me up.

I give up, allowing him to hold me. Elijah examines every inch of me. As he had turned me on my back and touched my chest, Sy stepped forward while growling lowly. I swiftly meet his gaze, as he then meets mine. His growling came to a stop once our eyes met. I felt so embarrassed as Elijah turned me over again and lifted my tail to examine underneath.

In that moment, Sy snapped at Elijah by exclaiming, "Don't fucking touch her!"

Sy snarls lowly as he glares at Elijah, whom simply ignored him. Wait, I could understand him?! He didn't actually speak though, because before, Sylas could never speak in his wolf form. Huh, this is going to be really interesting. Once Elijah was finished examining me, he kisses my head before putting me down on the ground in front of Sy.

I swiftly approach Sy, only to rub my head against his leg. He's so big compared to me! It's insane! His paw is probably the size of my head as of right now, though, I haven't seen myself yet, so, I wouldn't know. That's my assumptions from what I can see in a first person's point of view. Sy uses his paw to push me underneath him so I may stand between his front legs.

Elijah smirks as him and Sy make eye contact. Before we know it, Elijah's pulling out his phone to take pictures of us. I give in by crawling out from under him, only to jump up on my hind legs to rest my front paws against Sy's chest. Sy looks down at me and touches his nose against mine. I reach out my tongue to lick his lips, then Sylas does the same.

Elijah chuckles softly as he says, "Aww, look at my two pups, all grown up. Well, for the most part. Speaking of, Missy, as of right now, you look like a wolf cub. I'll talk to the Coven first thing in the morning to get some insight on this."

I push myself away from Sy only to then land on my back. I yelp for a moment before squirming around to turn over on my belly. I can hear Sy snickering and it's only pissing me off more. Once I lay on my belly, Sy grabs me my the nape of my neck, using his teeth very carefully to pick me up. I stand on my feet once again as I turn to face Elijah.

He kneels down before us and shows us some of the photos, hoping I can get an understanding of my size, as well as how I look. Elijah wasn't lying when he admitted I look like a wolf cub. Sy leans down to lick to the side of my face. I shake my head as I back away. He glares down at me while I turn around to ignore him. Sy can sense how I'm feeling right now and he knows just how upset I am.

Suddenly, my tail begins to wag as I smell a subtle and serene scent. I swiftly turn around to see Elijah looking down at me with a gentle gaze. I run up to Elijah and rub my head against his leg, then I jump up, only to rest my paws against his knee. He chuckles softly as he bends over to pet my head.

"I knew you'd calm down soon enough. Alright, why don't you go with Sylas for a walk. It'll be a couple days before you change back to yourself. Don't worry, I've been making preparations for the both of you for the next few days. I'll take good care of you, I promise. Now, go on. Get going. Be back soon so I can let you guys into the cabin," Elijah states as he then stands straight again.

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