Chapter 51: Embarrassed

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“Morning, Eli,” I say softly.

“Missy? Oh, uh, is Sylas asleep,” Elijah questions me.

I shake my head as I answer, “No, but he’s still kinda out of it since he just woke up. Anyway, did you need something?”

Elijah clears his throat before he lets out a brief sigh.

“Well, since I have you here, I may as well have this discussion with you first. Then again, I know he’s listening in on our conversation, as usual. Anyway, as I was saying. I’m assuming by now, your heat is over now, correct?”

I glance over at Sylas as he fawns over me, but swiftly buries his face in his pillow. I can hear his heart racing and his heavy breathing.

“Yeah, I’m over my heat,” I answer simply.

Though, I understand why Elijah needs to be sure of this, since I’ll be changing soon and possibly seeing Seth again.

“Sylas, I need you to check on her. Make sure she won’t go into heat,” Elijah says, somewhat concerned.

Sylas growls lowly, then Elijah interjects, “I’m sorry, Missy. I believe you, though, we need to be sure on this. As for now, stay close to Sylas, and if you notice any changes, tell me immediately. Understand?”

I nod as I look up at the ceiling.

“Understood. So, is that all, father dearest,” I ask in a jokingly manner.

Elijah chuckles softly as he says, “Yes, that’s all, Missy. Also, breakfast is awaiting you two. I’ll see you at dinner. For now, I have business to attend to. Until then, daughter dearest.”

I laugh softly as him and I say goodbye, then I hang up. I sigh as I put the phone down and lay back in bed.

I play with Sylas’s hair as I ask teasingly, “Are you going to check me out like you were told or just lay here all day feeling embarrassed?”

Sylas growls, then he grabs my wrist to pull my hand away from his head. He starts rubbing my wrist as I begin to feel calm. My breath becomes slightly heavier while my scent spreads throughout the room. Soon after mine has spread, Sylas’s scent mixes with mine. I move closer to him as I rub his chest.

“Sylas...” I whisper breathily.

He glances up at me, then moves swiftly, only to pin me down to the bed. His face... he’s still overwhelmed and embarrassed, though, he's feeling a few more emotions as well. Damn, I’m pushing him too much. No wonder he said not too rush. He was more afraid to rush himself. I feel bad now.

Sylas leans closer to me only to whisper in my ear, “I’m sorry.”

He let’s go of me to sit up. I lay there as I try to calm down. I’m definitely not in heat anymore, though, that was intense. I’m so sore, I can’t go anymore, yet Sylas gets me all fired up! Ugh!

I glance over at him as I ask, “Why’re you apologizing?”

He looks down as I see his cheeks flush red.

“This is ridiculous. I’m not supposed to act this way. You caught me off guard and now my mind can only think of your words. I’m sorry for the way I’m acting. I can’t help it,” he speaks shyly as he fills with embarrassment and shame.

I sit up only to hug him. The blanket falls off of me while his bottom half is still covered.

“Sylas, calm down. Like I said, don’t over think it. Besides, like I said earlier, I like seeing you this way. You’re really cute. Though, I miss you, Alpha,” I speak softly as I look down.

Sylas’s heart continues to race as he whispers, “I’m sorry, I’m trying. Just, give me a few minutes. I need a moment alone.”

I nod as I let go of him. Sylas gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom. I lay down as I think of Sylas. I feel guilty now. I shouldn’t have told him that so soon, though, I really wanted to say it. I thought he’d respond differently. No, instead, he starts acting like me! That’s fine, I suppose. Though, this makes things a little more complicated.

I begin to imagine Sylas touching me and kissing me all over, while I massage my breasts. I slide my hand towards my hips, then I rub my clit slowly as my imagination about Sylas runs wild. I slip two fingers in me to rub my sweet spot. My breath becomes heavier as I rub my clit again. My moans are soft and desperate.

As I squirm around, the blanket falls to the ground. I massage my breast again as I’m close to a climax. I hear a low growl as I become surrounded by Sylas’s scent. I close my legs as I glance over at the bathroom door. I could hear him through the door. I quickly get out of bed and knock on the door.

Sylas opens the door slightly as he asks lowly, “What is it?”

I whimper and whine, then he sighs as he looks down.

“But you’re still sore. I hurt you last night even more than usual. I don’t want to hurt you again,” he says soft heartedly.

I grab the door handle as I whine some more. Sylas’s breath becomes heavier, then he opens the door as he looks down. He was doing the same thing. That idiot. I grab his hand and lead him back to bed. I get on my knees on the bed while he walks closer to me. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him close for a kiss.

“I want you to make me scream your name,” I whisper in his ear.

Right before I look at him, I nibble his ear softly. Once our eyes meet, Sylas’s face is a light pink. He’s calming down, but not enough yet.

“Sylas, please, just fuck me already. Please, forget about everything, and just love me,” I speak desperately as I position his length between my thighs and grind against him.

Sylas grabs the back of my neck, swiftly pulling me in for a kiss.

“I love you and I always will. I’ll love you now and forever,” he whispers in my ear, causing chills to run down my spine.

I hug him tightly as I whisper, “Thank you.”

He buries his face in my neck, then licks my neck a couple times.

“I want to mark you.”

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