Chapter 1

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It's been 6 weeks, 1008 hours and 60 480 seconds since he has touched me or since his lips were against mine. He ruined everything. He broke my heart.

"Let's get out of here." I kiss some guys neck as he has got me seated on his lap.

"Okay." I whisper and we head into the loud music, college parties are epic. He leads me past the dancing, drunk college students busy doing a Keg stand and my head spins quite a bit, I stand there collecting my thoughts for a second and we both get distracted by the music, he pulls me into him and we grind together. College has only been on for two weeks and I'm already enjoying it. This guy is tall, with tattoos on his neck and a muscular build probably about 22. No idea who he is but he is very sexy. We dance a bit more, drink a bit more and hook up a little bit more. We make our way to an empty bench with tequila shots in our hand. We take the shots and immediately my head spins. We both look at each other and my vision blurrs for a second. Immediately he crashes his lips on mine and I make my way onto his lap again, he tastes like cheap beer and cigarettes, he immediately runs his hands in my shirt and I don't even stop him, my head spins as I kiss him and as I releases I look at the swimming pool and then I look at him again.

"Let's do it." I wink and he smirks. I get off of him and he just sits there watching me as I take my shirt off and the room feels like it's spinning, the cool breeze reaches my body and I love it. I look at him, and he is clearly enjoying the show, he just sits there watching me without a word. I drop my pants and his eyes look me up and down as he leans forward, I summon him with my finger, telling him to join me and he still just sits and stares at me. As I stumble to the pool, that tequila shot hits me and it feels like everything is spinning ten times more than it should, I feel like I'm going to throw up. This isn't good. The next moment I hear shouting and I try to see what is happening but I just see two outlines busy going at each other, I squint my eyes and that doesn't even help. My stomach churnes and I can see a tall outline coming my way, I am almost about to take my bra off as I reach the swimming pool, I feel my body being lifted in the air, he picks me up bridal style, vision blurred and on the verge of puking, I try make out who it is. I stare at him and he doesn't look down at me once. I can't make out who it is, he clenches his jaw and immediately one word blurts out.

"Nick." I say and I pass out.

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