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I was taking pictures at the park when I saw a familiar figure walking towards me. I smiled when he arrived in front of me.

"Hi beautiful." He said with a smile on his face.

"Hi Jiminie." I greeted back with a wide smile.

I then started taking pictures of him in front of the lake and flowers. When I finished, we looked at the photos and agreed they look great. He then grabbed the camera from me and told me to go to sit next to the flowers.

So I did what he told me to do and waited. He then took pictures of me causing a smile to appear on my face again. When he finished, he showed me the pictures and then we went somewhere to eat. Once we arrived, we went and sat down then ordered when a waiter came.

We soon got our order and started eating while talking and laughing. I love being with Jimin, he made my life better than it was before. We finished eating and went to walk around the park before heading home.

Jimin's POV:

While we were walking around the park, I turned to her and smiled thinking about the life I'm going to have with her. When we decided to head home, I walked her to her house.

When we got to her house, we kissed and hugged goodbye. Once she was inside her house, I started heading to my house.

When I got to my home, I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. When I changed my clothes, I plugged my phone up and turned off the light. I then laid down and closed my eyes falling asleep.

The Pretty Park Girl // Park Jimin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now