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I was nine months pregnant and on maternity leave from work. I decided to take a walk to the park, so I changed my clothes then left the house. When I got to the park, I sat down on the bench and watched the little kids play on the playground.

I then felt pain in my stomach and soon my water broke. I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, I was then taken to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I was put in a room while they called Jimin. When Jimin arrived, he ran over to me and held my hand telling me to take deep breaths.

After what felt like forever, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. We decided to name her Destiny. I was then able to leave the hospital with her. Jimin then drove us home and soon arrived home.

I put Destiny in her crib then me and Jimin changed into our pajamas. We then plugged up our phones and turned off the light. We then laid down and closed our eyes, falling asleep cuddling.

The Pretty Park Girl // Park Jimin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now