#12 Star Wars in Egypt, probably.

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Anubis, tears in his eyes, hugging Ammit: You killed my father.

Set, withdrawing his red khopesh: I. Am. Your father...

Anubis: NOOOO—

Set: ...Or am I? Because some people say you're Osiris' son, but that's impossible, Nepthys would never do that to me. Yeh, you know what, continue.

Anubis: *looks at Ammit*


Anubis: *shrugs* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

A/N: Seriously though, there are two versions of Anubis' origins. It confuzzles me.

Though, I like to think of Set as the father that was a real asshole in his younger days then realized his mistakes and raised his son to be better than him. Then, Anubis turned out to be an adorable cinnamon roll with an overprotective father.

Also, I see Nepthys as a nice person and a really faithful lover to Set, so I think she wouldn't turn herself into Isis and sleep with Osiris.

So... Yeah that's the story I'm following in this book. Thank you!

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