Afterlash Madness

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Shuichi's pov

Its been several days since anyone has seen kokichi...  Kaito is in serious condition ever since he was attacked and Maki is doing fairly well for her self but is super mad and wants to go out and kill someone but she wont tell us who. Days had gone by and kokichi has been no where to be seen... we don't know if he is dead or even alive at this point. He's caused too many problems that its a good thing he isn't here currently.... but i dont want to have to be part of a class trial if he is dead... Himiko and Gonta tried knocking on his door but kokichi didn't answer. Gonta said that he has seen him before he disappeared and that he looked different... he couldn't describe it well but he said it was very unlike him... i took a deep breath and started walking around. I had nothing better to do so i went to the school court yard and sat on one of the benches and started reading a book. It was related to the history of the school i was attending and several scientific experiments that came from the origins of this school that were highly fascinating. My biggest interest was the Kamukura and Kimura Project. It was very interesting as far as the turn outs of the end result.. but they were also said to be failed experiments... extraction of the both artificially created consciousness would result in death or psychological damage. What held my curiosity was if they were both failed did they ever decide to merge the two? Or were they not compatible. I continued to read the books and look through the pictures... both Kamukura and Kimura had exceptional long hair... it was similar in style but the hair color and dress style were not... i know that Kamukura existed as Hinata Hajime.... but there isn't a mention of Mikuzu Kimura having a host of any kind.. if there is there is no record of him existing. I sighed in frustration... I can't believe that I can't find anything on him. I continued to read some more until i was interrupted by some one.

"Ohhh what cha reading? Looks interesting Shumai!"

I shut the book quickly and whipped my head around to look and no one was there.... was i hallucinating? No... its just my imagination...

"Silly shuichi! No you're not. Nishishi~"

I got up so fast dropping the book looking around again... still no one.. but when i turned away i saw kokichi barely a few inches away from me. I yelped and fell on my ass looking up at him... though it wasn't him... he was a dark shadowed Silhouette with white hair and wearing his ultimate clothing.

"How are you? Its been a while hasn't it.."


"Oh? Surprised aren't we? Don't worry i am kokichi but not him at the same time.."

"What the hell are you then."

"His conscious, i guess thats what you can say about me.... I'm allowed to go were ever i please... though normally people cant hear me or see me... you obviously are close to little kichi...aren't you?"

"I guess? I mean I don't know him that well or what his motive is."

"Well this is interesting... normally you have to be really close to the person for them to even see me."

"Yeah you said this like twice now.."

"Shhh don't get technical with me on how many time i say something... i will say it 100 times just to annoy the living shit out of you."

"Okay fine I'll not do that."

"Anyways... have you seen kichi any where... I haven't been able to sense him for a while."

" one has seen him for days.. Gonta saw him few days ago but no one has seen him ever since."

"Oh... what a shame... i was hoping to torment him for a bit.."

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