Chapter 8 - The Stone Table

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I couldn't sleep well as I see Aslan and Anna's sad expressions yesterday even though we were all rejoicing due to Edmund not going to be killed. I kept turning in my bed and all of a sudden, I see four lions walking behind the camp. I rise from the bed and see those four lions walking away.

"Susan, Emma," I whisper to them and they both wake up. I get up from the bed, put on my cape and they follow after me. We walk out of our camp and I recognize Aslan, Aurora, Adrian, and Anna in their lion and lioness forms, walking into the forest. We quietly follow them, hiding behind trees so that they wouldn't realize that we were following them, but they stop in their tracks.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan knew that we were following them.

We emerge from behind the tree and walk over to us. "We couldn't sleep," I answer.

"Who's this?" Susan asks looking at Adrian.

"Susan, it's me, Adrian," Adrian tells her and her eyes went wide. 

"You look so handsome in a lion form," Emma says.

"Thank you," he says sadly. Emma could not stop staring at Adrian and he couldn't stop staring at Emma. What's this supposed to mean? Then, it looked like Emma got out of a trance.

"Aslan, may we come with you?" Emma asks Aslan.

"I think we all could use some company. Thank you," Aslan tells Emma and we all walk together. Emma was walking on Adrian's right and Susan and I was walking next to Aslan.

It didn't seem normal for them to be quiet and not say a word. Something must be bothering them, but they're not telling us anything.

After a while of walking, Aslan and his family stop and so did the three of us. "It is time. From here, we must go alone," Aurora tells them. I was confused by that time.

"But Aslan--" I start. 

"You have to trust Father, Lucy. For this must be done." Anna says and Aslan looks at her and they both walk ahead.

"Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Emma. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell," Aslan bids them goodbye and they went ahead.

"Something's not right," Emma says. Both Susan and Emma went up a little hill and I follow them. We crouch down and see a fire lit around a certain area.

There were wrags, ogres, and other disgusting, filthy-looking creatures that were making all kinds of noise and they all surround Aslan and his family. Anna told me about these ugly-looking creatures. My heart starts beating really fast in not a good way as White Witch walks upon the Stone Table wearing a weird-looking black gown, holding a sharp dagger in her hand.

"Behold, the Great Lion and his family," Jadis says and the weird-looking creatures who were around them, laugh.

The minotaur walks up to them and looks back at Jadis and she raises her head a little, giving him some kind of signal. The minotaur groans and pushes Aslan away from his family with his weapon and he fell to the ground. Adrian went toward Aslan but then the minotaur pushes him, Aurora, and Anna away and they all land on the floor.

"Why doesn't he fight back?" I ask Susan and Emma and they had no answer to my question.

"Bind them." The wargs then tied Anna's mouth and paws, Adrian's mouth and paws, Aurora's mouth and paws, and Aslan's mouth and paws, so that they couldn't move.

"Bring him to me," Jadis told the wargs, pointing at Aslan. They drag Aslan across the stairs and put him by Jadis's feet and Aurora, Adrian and Anna were only looking at Aslan, helplessly.

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