Chapter 15 - The White Witch?!

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We were getting close to Father's How and I decided to walk on foot. I was upset with Peter. He planned this raid and didn't call it off in the first place and I was also upset with Caspian because he didn't follow the plan accordingly.

My body was tired and I could feel it. My armor was torn everywhere, both my swords were caked with dried blood from the soldiers, bruises on my face, and dried blood at the corner of my lip, and Adrian was holding me up on my feet.

I look ahead and see Lucy, standing outside with the rest of the Narnians. She knew that we had come back in defeat and she asks Peter, "What happened?"

"Ask him," Peter says coldly as he was talking about Caspian. I could sense an argument about to occur. 

"Peter," Susan tries to stop him. 

"Me? You could've called it off. There was still time," Caspian says.

"No there wasn't, thanks to you. If you would've kept to the plan, those soldiers would've been alive right now," Peter tells him off. 

"And if we stayed here like Anna and I suggested, they definitely would be," Caspian argues. 

Adrian whispers to me, "You suggested that you all should stay here?" I nod answering his question.

"You called us, remember?" Peter reminds Caspian. 

"My first mistake," Caspian tells himself.

"No. Your first mistake was that you think you could lead these people," Peter coldly says and was about to walk away. 

"Hey!" Caspian shouts and Peter turns back to him. "Anna and I are not the ones who abandoned Narnia."

"Don't bring my wife in this. And first of all, you invaded Narnia," Peter points his finger at Caspian and his throat was tight and I could see the anger in his face, ready to fight back. "You have no more right leading than Miraz does!"

Caspian did not want to hear anymore and he brushes past Peter's shoulder to walk back to the How with anger. "You, him, your father! Narnia's better off without the lot of you!"

"Peter, take that back!" I shout. 

"No! Why should I?! Why are you siding with him?!" Peter exclaims. At that, Caspian had lost it. He draws his sword, screams and points the sword at Peter and Peter grabs his sword and points at Caspian too, with both of them looking menacingly at each other.

I've had it with them. "STOP IT!" I shout and everyone looks at me and they all get scared. I walk over to Peter and Caspian, and suddenly my side starts to hurt even more and I collapse on the ground. 

"Anna!" I hear Peter shout and he runs and sits by my side.

"Lucy! Emma! Your healing cordial! Now!" Peter orders them. 

"Don't order them like that. They're your sisters," I tell Peter and he keeps quiet.

Lucy and Emma each gives me a drop from their healing cordial and after a few seconds, all the wounds close and heal, and I felt a lot better. I look at Peter and Caspian, who were looking at me with worry in their eyes.

Filled with anger and sadness, I get up on my feet and stare at both of them. "It's not just one, you both are fault!" I scream at them. 

"Anna, how can you---"

Peter starts, but I cut him off. "You heard me. You have never seen how those Telmarines fight. I have! While I was here, they attacked and destroyed Cair Paravel and took me, Mother and Adrian as their captives! They tortured me so that I could tell them where the Narnians were, but I never said a word! I know what they can do. Why do you think Caspian and I were trying to tell you that we shouldn't raid the castle?! Because we know that they are strong in numbers! But YOU wouldn't listen to us because YOU wanted to be the leader! If you had not made this plan in the first place, our soldiers would've been alive, Glenstorm's sons would've been alive! You know what, Peter? Ever since you came back here, I've noticed that you have changed. You're not the same Peter who I fell in love with and married to, many years ago! You have completely changed."

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