Part 13 : Too Late

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"Namjoon what happened?!" Jin yelled from afar. I flung my head back seeing all the members run towards us. The ambulance just got here. They carefully carried Yoongi on a stretcher straight to the hospital. "Someone should come with him" Taehyung mentioned. "I'll go..." Hoseok volunteered. After a bit we all confirmed that Hoseok and Jin will be going with him. "Namjoon where's Jungkook?" the manager asked. "We can't find him anywhere!". I bit my lip. I knew something was off when I saw him sneaking out. I thought he just wanted to get some fresh air and be back soon but he's not back yet what if something happens oh god no. Without giving any second thoughts I grabbed my jacket and car keys and dashed out of there. "Namjoon wait!!" the manager called out for me. "I'll be back soon! I have to find Jungkook!".

I harshly started my car and drove off breaking all speed limits. I can see the other managers starting their cars and following my trail. I sped through the streets of Seoul but still no sign of Jungkook. Where could he be? I stopped at a certain alley because I saw some tracks in the dirt. These tracks could only come from a pair of expensive shoes from a certain person. I can even smell a faint smell of cologne in the air. That kid wears his cologne real strong. Too strong sometimes. If the smell is still here it means he must have been here for sometime. No doubt he's still here. "He's here!" I yelled as the managers got off their cars.

"Namjoon wait this is a restricted area!" manager Kim called out. "This is a what?!". "This place is closed down due to multiple people committing suicide here but gangs seems to have run this place down so it looks like a regular alley. It's too dangerous". I grit my teeth. "I don't care Jungkook is still in there!". I sped past them not caring about the warning shouts being screamed. I ran faster than before past all the garbage cans and making a few cats and rats scurry away from my sudden movement. I ran around for like forever until I saw something on the ground. It's his phone. I tried to turn it on but it seems to have powered off. I put his phone in my pocket and ran around a bit until I came across a body. It's Jungkook! His stomach was layed flat on the ground as he showed no signs of movement. I ran over to him and turned him around. He seems to look alright at first. A few bruises here and there from probably defending himself from someone but nothing too serious. That's when I saw it. The blood dripping from his mouth. I place my hand between his cheeks to try and open his mouth and what I saw left me horrorfied.
Oh my god. What the fuck. Why?! How?!

His tounge.

It was cut off.

No. He'll never be able to sing again. Without warning something fell to the ground. My heartbeat quickens as I started breathing heavily out of my chest. What the fuck. It was his tounge. It fell out of nowhere. I cautiously made my way towards the fallen body part and saw writing on the tounge written with blood.

" s t r i k e t w o"


Everyone was silent in the waiting room of the hospital. I rested my hands on my chin as I thought about what just happened. Strike two. Meaning what happened to Yoongi was definitely his doing. Does that mean he'll target every single member then? Or maybe even the staff? PDnim? Our company? Our career? I sighed and rubbed my head out of frustration. The fact that I couldn't do anything was frustrating enough. After what he did to Yoongi and Jungkook I can't afford another lost. Jimin was crying. No surprise there. Well to be fair... Everyone was crying. After seeing Yoongi's limp beat up body and Jungkook's tounge cut off... It hasn't been a good night. I looked at my watch. 2:33 AM. I didn't realise it was already morning. None of us had rested. We couldn't. The staff was making emergency phone calls here and there. We had to shut down the entire building. We're staying at the hotel temporarily before PDnim finally decided to let us go home for the moment. That seems to be the best decision for now. All of us just really missed our families. We don't even know if we can make another comeback ever again. We don't know if we can show our faces to the public.

One of the managers has called all of our families. They'll be picking us up next week. We can finally get a break. Even if our comeback was just around the corner. This happened. Taehyung was hugging Jimin tightly. He was also teary eyed. That reminds me... His arm. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt right now. That's when I finally noticed the bandage on his arm. Everyone was too occupied with the situation to notice I supposed. Did something happen to him?

"Taehyung". Everyone stared at me as I broke the silence. "Yea?". "What's up with your arm?". Everyone stared at his arm finally realising the bandage. "Uhmmm... I... I spilled hot water on it... Uhh accidentally... While... Making Ramen".

Wow. He's a terrible liar. Who stutters that much anyways? I sighed. "Taehyung stop lying...". He looked rather shocked at my statement. Slightly offended by it. "W-Why would you think I-I'm lying at a time like this?" he stuttered again. "Well first of all... You're stuttering." Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "Of course I'm stuttering I've been crying for hours!" he snapped back. I rolled my eyes. "Second... Last time I asked you said it was an insect bite. Now you said you spilled hot water. So which one is it?" I said with a bit of attitude while folding my arms.
His mouth flung open as he had a permanent "oh shit" face plastered. I slightly smirked amused at his reaction. I immediately went back to scowling as I kept the situation serious. Hah he can't fool my IQ of 148 brain.

He bit his lip hard. A bit too hard. Blood started to form a bit. "Stop that... You're gonna hurt yourself". He scoffed. "Not like I've never done that before". I looked at him finally realising the situation. I was leaning on the wall so that him and I were face to face. Jimin who was still sitting beside him started looking at me then back to him. He seems to be confused and worried. But this is serious. That wound... Did he harm himself? I stood tall walking closer towards him. He slowly back up from the couch.

"Taehyung..." I said in a serious tone. "Answer me honestly." Taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat and looked down. "Did. You. Harm. Yourself?". Taehyung still looked down staying silent. The others looked shocked. "TaeTae..." Jimin spoke up. "Answer him. Please. For me". Taehyung looked up with teary eyes. He nodded slowly. I breathed slowly and pulled his arm a bit too harshly making him whimper and flinch. I opened the bandage to be met with a deep wound. It seems to be already cleaned but it could cause an infection if not properly treated. It was really deep inside his skin. It definitely took a piece of his flesh out. "Taehyung..." I whispered under my breath.

"I-I'm sorry I was just so stressed I won't do it again" he said full on crying as he looks down. Jimin hugged him tightly. "TaeTae if you were stressed we could have talked why...! Why go through this alone?!" he cried on his shoulder. They hugged tightly. I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Jin and Hoseok just stayed silent unable to react. "We're sorry..." Jin finally said something. Taehyung's face perked up. "F-for what?". Jin gave him a warm smile. "For not noticing. And for not being there for you.". He got up from his seat and joined the 95s' warm hug. No second spared Hoseok also got up and hugged them tightly while crying. "Sorry...! I'll never leave you alone again!". Taehyung softly smiled.

"Did anyone know?" I asked after everyone has dispersed and calmed down. "Umm... J-Jungkook d-did. He helped clean my wound." I nodded. Before I could say anything else a doctor walked through the door. We all stood up immediately. "How are they?" I asked worriedly. "Min Yoongi is in terrible shape. Many of his bones are broken. His face and limbs are pretty bruised up. It seems his attacker showed no sign of mercy. However it is nothing life threatening. It is very dangerous for him to do anything physical so I'm sorry but he won't be performing anytime soon." we all looked down some dissapointed at the situation but some happy he will survive.

"Jeon Jungkook did not have anything happen to his lower abdomen but as you can see his tounge was brutally cut off. With the way it looks it was cut off with a knife. You told me after you found him the tounge fell down from the sky,true?" the doctor asked between slipping the papers in his hands. "Y-yea" I replied not wanting to remember that horrific scene ever again. "The police are on the case but it seems the attacker escaped through the rooftop and dropped the tounge as a warning sign". I was confused. The rooftop? How did that happen? Instead of asking questions I decided to let the police deal with that. I was tired. We're all tired. I nodded and looked at everyone else. After a few more details the doctors were still doing some minor surgeries on Yoongi and Jungkook so we couldn't see them yet. We made our way to the hotel in our car and went to our separate rooms without a word.

I buried my head in my pillow immediately. Without trying to make so much noise I cried softly in the pillow. Why? Why us? Someone please...

Save Me.

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