Part 14 : Always With You

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-3 weeks later-


It has been 3 weeks since Hoseok requested for me to be the new dance leader in BTS at the hospital. Honestly I already feel stressed. Some new trainees has arrived. Since BTS is not doing that good Bighit has been thinking of debuting a new group. A girl group (Hell yas in universe 2 bighit doesn't ban girl trainees no more)

I was teaching this new girl trainee called Yuna some few basic moves to get started. She seems to be really nervous and scared most of the time. I don't blame her it's her first time at this company and since our group is so legendary she's having a hard time keeping up with our name. Just being a "bighit trainee" alone is a big responsibility. She's the only trainee from Taiwan that managed to pass the auditions from what I heard. Not only that but I heard from gossips from the other trainees that the only reason she passed was because she was beautiful and had the visuals. So basically she was only meant to be the visual in a group. I eyed pitifully at the 16-year-old that was breathing heavily as she collapsed on the ground. I sighed as I stood up from the chair I was sitting on. "Jeon Yuna!" I called from my place.

The 16-year-old brunette quickly stood up and made her way over. "Y-Yes sir! So-sorry I wasn't slacking I swear!" she yelled with her head down. A piece of her dark brown hair fell from her face. I gazed at her as I pulled the loose hair strand behind her ear. She blushed with her head still down. "Why so tense, Yi-Hsuan? Your debut is not until at least another year so there's really no rush" I explained to her.

She bit her lip and she finally decided to look up. Her shoulder-lengh hair bouncing with her every movement. "Umm not to be disobedient but please do call me by my Korean name, Jeon Yuna... We are in Korea now not Taiwan so there's really no need for you to call me that... , s-sir...". I smiled seeing her relax a bit. "Well I thought calling you with the name you grew up with would make you more comfortable... If you want me to call you Yuna then I will" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. She smiled widely as her shoulders loosen. I could tell she wasn't as tense as before. "That is so considerate! Thank you so much for those thoughts!" she said while bowing. I chuckled. "Nah it's really nothing". I gave her my iconic bunny smile making her smile too. "Listen Yuna, after you make your debut this place will be your second home... You'll be spending a LOT of time in this dance studio" I said pointing to the ground. "Don't overwork yourself... You're young you still have so much more to expect. I would know since I made my debut when I was only 15. I know you're a rookie and you're having trouble because you have never danced or sing before. But if you give it your all and do your best everything will work out. Believe you can. You're doing great, ok? So chill" I said in the most chillest sensei tone I can as I put a hand on her shoulder. She nodded as she bit her lip looking down at her feet. "I understand, sir. It's just....".

I lean my head towards hers and asked considerately. "It's just what, Yuna?". She finally looked me back in the eye as she clumps her hands into balls of fists. "It's just my family is expecting the best of the best from me! I... I... Growing up my older sister overshadows me in everything. She was smarter... More athletic... Was really popular too. I was only a shy introvert who can barely talk to anyone at school. Even so I still managed to get popular because I was pretty. I hated it! My sister keeps saying I'm using my looks as a way to escape working hard! I'm not! I want to prove to my parents and older sister than I am more than just a dumb shy pretty girl! I can be so much more! That's why I joined the audition in the first place! But... But... I wasn't even able to show them my dancing or singing when they immediately sign me up because of my looks. My parents and sister was watching the auditions... And now t-they have no reason to believe that my sister's statement isn't true! They didn't even give me a call or text since I flew here to Korea. I'm their daughter... Don't they care about me?! " she ranted out all at once as tears streamed down her face. She wiped her tears with her sleeves as she curls her arms as if giving herself a hug. " My debut here in bighit is the only chance I get to prove my parents that what my sister said was wrong! I'm giving it my all! I can't risk taking a break. My debut is in a year! That's not enough! Wh-what if I'm not good enough?! What if I mess up and destroy bighit's name?! I don't want that! Jungkook-sunbaenim I'm scared I'm so scared! " she yelled almost choking as her voice gets smaller. Her tears showed no sign of stopping. I was clearly taken aback. I didn't expect to hear her entire life story in one sitting. I dropped my empty water bottle unexpectedly and gave her a tight hug. She gasped as her body freezes over the sudden action. I didn't even know what I was doing. It's almost an instinct... When I see someone hurting... I have to hold them... Hug them... Whatever it takes to show them that I'm there for them. Just like what Hobi-hyung always does. I patted her head as my other arm holds her waist closer. "There, There... You'll be okay." I let go of her as her mouth was still partly open as she stares back at me still shocked. "I'm sure you'll be the best in your group if you truly believe. Your sister was jealous, you know? She was jealous at how talented you are". Yuna gasped and looked up at me. Her pastel pink shirt soaked in tears. I'm glad the dance studio is empty or else someone might accuse me of making a girl cry if they see us. I don't wanna ruin my first time as a dance leader of BTS and teacher of bighit.

She wiped her tears and a bit of snot as she manages to calm down. "T-thank you so much sunbaenim! I really needed that! I'll feel more relaxed now! It feels really good to get it off my chest. I'm gonna go clean myself up now. Thank you!" she said as she waved goodbye and exited the dance studio. I sighed in content and collapsed on the dance floor. I saw my reflection on the multiple mirrors of the studio and mentally told myself some compliments." Damn Jeon you did pretty good. Keep it up" I said to myself as I patted my own back. After a bit I heard the door open. It was Hoseok!

My eyes lit up as I saw Hobi getting pushed on his wheelchair by a staff member. "Thanks Lee you can leave me here with Jungkook" he said as the staff member left the room. I hugged him tightly. "Hey hyung! I missed you! I haven't seen you in 4 days!". Hoseok hugged me back just as quickly. "Of course! I know you're busy with your new responsibility right now. I can't let my condition keep the rest of our members' spirits down. Everything will go back to normal soon enough." he said while smiling. "Yea and if anything happens I'm sure everyone else in bighit family can make it through for us!".

Our group is the first ever group to debut under Bighit. After our amazing success bighit has debuted multiple more groups making us equal to the big three in a matter of a few years. It was a record breaker! The first group to debut after us was " STARZ ". Our first junior group consisting of 6 members. Each of them are close friends of ours and we often hang out with the members of the boy group. They have broken many records in a short span as well. "Willow Girls" were the first girl group to debut under bighit. They only have 3 amazing members. A rapper, vocalist and lead dancer but they managed to reach Blackpink's level of popularity in just 2 years without any pre-debut hype that Blackpink does. Those 2 groups often gets compared by fan wars but they try their best to ignore it. Ever since then bighit has given birth to many shining stars.

But now the stars who started it all... The one and only BTS is going down. They had no choice but to debut another group during BTS' postponed promotions to keep the fans busy. And now the chance of them disbanding keeps getting higher and higher after the incident with Hoseok getting drugged at a concert happened. They might disband after making their final comeback  "My World : The Final Light" to officially end their ongoing album series. Even so... I, Jeon Jungkook will be sure to make it count. It's already 2019... Maybe it is time. I have done well. WE have done well.

We proceeded to talk and I ended up telling Hoseok all about my amazing leadership helping that trainee go through a tough time. Hoseok was proud and patted my back. "I knew you'd do well, kiddo". I felt pride flow through my entire body. Hoseok smiled his famous sunshine smile. "Remember, Jungkook... I'm Always With You". I smiled and gave him a tight hug. "And I'm always with YOU, hyung". We stayed in that position for a bit, just enjoying each other's embrace and warmth.

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