Part 18 : Not Just Us

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tick tock tick tock tick tock

That same damn sound keeps playing over and over again in this quiet room. I'm at the dentist now but don't ask me why apparently my hoobae here is too scared to go alone so he did the puppy eyes effect on me so I agreed to come with him to be a good sunbae. I've been in this damn waiting room for 2 hours. How long is this gonna tak- oh thank god he's here. Sung-jae came out from the room where he was getting his teeth treated with a gloomy face and a swollen mouth. There was a very big cotton ball stuffed on the left side of his mouth as he holds his cheek in pain. Lol that's what happens when you only brush your teeth once a week. "Yo you look great!" I joked. He glared at me and rolled his eyes. He pulled his dyed pastel purple hair back. His group STARZ will be making a comeback in a few days since ours was delayed. Again. I sighed at the thought. I really don't want to disband without a final and satisfying conclusion. I want to end the album and say my thanks to army's. I will never leave just like that. Army's have done so much for us and this isn't what they deserve. At least give them a proper goodbye. I talked about this a lot with PDnim and bighit staff and they all assured me we will get our comeback soon enough. Then it's up to us whether we want to disband or not.

Up to us? Give me a break. Everyone looks done with our shit already. They would probably disband us without us needing to ask anyways. Don't get me wrong I love bighit with all my heart and soul but they seem ready to move on. We were the first to debut. To show the world what amazing talents bighit has. We were the starting point. The shining light that will pave the way. It's true we did amazing but it isn't us who made the company grow it's the others. There are so many groups under bighit now I'm sure they would be easily occupied. We've been in the music industry long enough. I am happy for everything I have been blessed with. But now it's time to say goodbye.

After we left Sungjae still looked very gloomy and sad. I felt bad and wanted to cheer him up. "Hey wanna go to the movies? I heard the new Revengers (Avengers series in this world 😂) movie came out". He glanced at me for a few seconds before looking back down on the ground as we walked. I guess that's a no? "Is it because the doctor said you can't eat popcorn?" I asked while tilting my head. He nodded while holding his cheek like a little kid. I chuckled. "Aw c'mon don't be so down it's just ONE tooth taken out! It'll feel better soon enough" I tried assuring him.

"Ish not dawt! Ish juss I caen bawrly spweak!" he said in my face all slobbery with saliva splashing everywhere. I wiped the drops of saliva that managed to land on my cheek with a disgusted face. "OK OK fine! I told you before it will only last a bit!" I yelled back. He rolled his eyes again and put his hand back on his left cheek. The sound of pokemon theme song plays out of nowhere. I briefly looked around for where that sound came from and forgot that Sungjae has such a geeky ringtone. He pulled out his phone and answered the call. He put it on speaker so that I could eavesdrop since he trusts me so much and if there's a problem (he's the troublemaker of bighit) I'm supposedly going to back him up. So far that hasn't happened.

"Park Sungjae"

Sungjae gulped. "Erm... Y-yes? Wanager?" he said with his slobbery mouth again. "Where were you? And why is your voice so weird?" he asked getting a bit worried. "Oh I juswt came bawck fwom the dentwist so my mouth is all wesssed up" he said while rubbing the back of his forehead. I could hear the faint sigh from the other side of the phone. "I knew this would happen how many times do I have to tell you to brush your teeth Every. Single. Day." he said with a strict tone. Sungjae gulped again. "S-sorry g-gwames makes you weally sweepy". I rolled my eyes at his excuses. "D-don't wowwy manager I'm with Jungkook-sunbaenim so I'll be bwack swoon". "Oh Jungkook is with you? That's a relief I don't trust you driving a car while your teeth is in pain you might get an accident. Jungkook? Watch this kid, kay?" he said and I could tell he's relieved and smiling from the other side. "Sure thing manager Park" I answered. "Come back soon, Sungjae and Jungkook. We have a bighit meeting soon, remember?. PDnim said he has something important to discuss today. Everyone including idols, managers and staffs and even janitors are supposed to come no excuses". We both gasped. Oh yea. Forgot about that. "H-hehe O-of cwouse we wemembered manager" Sungjae said with sweat forming on his forehead. "Alright, then. Also... It wouldn't hurt for you to just call me Dad you know" he said with a snicker as he ended the call after a quick "see you soon". He sighed a bit dramatically. "Stuwpid old man. Always twinking he knows everything. But still you gotta love him!" Sungjae said while a bright smile. I nodded my head in agreement. Not only is manager Park the head of all managers he also treats every idol like a son or daughter. He used to always buy me treats after a hard practice during our early debut days. I'll forever be thankful to him. He came here in the same year we debuted with Sungjae. He signed up as a manager and Jae was interested in being an editor for videos. But he ended up auditioning for bighit and becoming an idol. We became the best of friends since the early days. Manager Park is known to be very protective not just of his son but to us too and will be the first to make calls and arguments if we're not comfortable with a certain dance move or group activity. Most of us were always so shy to speak up after debuting. He helped us built our self confidence so much. He was the happiest man alive seeing Jae debut thou. He clapped the loudest during their debut stage. It was cute. Jae's mother died due to an illness during childbirth. She died with Jae still in her arms. Because of that manager Park is very protective of Jae. Always making sure he gets and deserves the best.

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